Tuesday Aug 30, 2005 Aug 30, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email . VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS rpg: It's really good to keep busy! I feel the same way. Not being busy = boredom and death!!! Expenses. I could write a book on cash flow! or lack of it! But it sounds like you have a good handle on it. RRSP's are one of your best investments. I'm gone to Ottawa on Sept 8th and back on Sept 14th. Aug 30, 2005 mistressminx: you'd better be getting overtime for those hours. thanks for your # i'll give you a call sometime. i'll email my #'s to you too. thanks babe. Aug 31, 2005
Expenses. I could write a book on cash flow! or lack of it! But it sounds like you have a good handle on it. RRSP's are one of your best investments.
I'm gone to Ottawa on Sept 8th and back on Sept 14th.
thanks for your # i'll give you a call sometime. i'll email my #'s to you too.
thanks babe.