Thank you to everyone who comment on my last blog. It was quite an upsetting one and having everyone's support really helps. I truly love my SG family!
On a lighter note (no pun intended), I have lost 4 more pounds on my Nutrisystem diet. That's a total of 10 lbs guys! Im still in shock!
On a lighter note (no pun intended), I have lost 4 more pounds on my Nutrisystem diet. That's a total of 10 lbs guys! Im still in shock!

ps congrats on your new diet! im happy for you! loosing weight is so hard but its worth it
my goal is to lose 15 lbs
Thanks about saying the baby was so cute- hehe she looks like me haha! My oldest looks nothing like me she is about 90% daddy this one is all me- except for the blue eyes