So I met Mackenzye at the Chicago-Midway Airport last night and she is such a freakin doll! GO SHOW HER SET LOVE NOW! I DEMAND IT! We talked and talked and talked. I could have chatted for hours, but alas I only had a half hour to catch my flight. When Dante and I got back inside we found out the plaine was boarding. So we had to totally run to the other side of the airport. Yes, my 6 year old left me in the dust. It was so funny. Everyone was laughing at us cause I was like "Hustle Dante!", then "Okay buddy, slow down your losing mommy!"....damn smoker's lungs! But we got to the gate, were the last people on, but the plane was not full at all so we still got good seats.
So I woke up this morning and its already 102 degrees here and its only 8 am!! Holy CRAP what have I gotten myself into? Do they make sunblock in like 500, cause this pale chick's skin has not seen sun like this in like...forever!
I will keep everyone posted as my trip goes along. Hope everyone's weekend remains wonderful.
MacKenzye and I
So I woke up this morning and its already 102 degrees here and its only 8 am!! Holy CRAP what have I gotten myself into? Do they make sunblock in like 500, cause this pale chick's skin has not seen sun like this in like...forever!
I will keep everyone posted as my trip goes along. Hope everyone's weekend remains wonderful.

MacKenzye and I
Yeah my 7 yr old can out run my ass anytime lol.
102 degrees? where the hell are you? lol
It's 50 here BOOOO... I like 75-80 that's skirt wearing weather