I Just took a super long hot shower. I have had a lot on my mind. A friend of mine decided that he wants to have a baby, with me... He ain't gay and he doesn't want a romantic relationship. He wants a child and he wants one with me. I understand why, any child lucky enough to get my DNA is going to be one pretty sumabitch. Yet, I say NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO>>>> NO.
nothing has freaked me out more than when he asked me...NOTHING> no. no. no.
Don't get me wrong kids are great, some might say they are even the shit. These people are not me. NOt right now anyway and not with him. Well making the baby would be fun. And the man in question is handsome, funny, has a high paying job. He is 34 with green eyes oh and an alcoholic so no.
This shit doesn't happen or work for real people. This shit is for the movies.
I wouldn't mind making a baby w/you...except for the baby-making part.
Wait for it...