I have been having the weirdest sex dreams lately. This random girl asked me to help her put a candy condom on her boyfriend's cock right next to a line to get in the club... I helped ofcourse, but had to stop due to the fact that she was using banana flavoring, which I hate. There there was this giant shrine to my dad and everyone had written get well wishes with a big black sharpie. Then I was on some scavanger hunt with an old friend of mine Jeremy. this girl was sitting next to us with a piercing that kept on moving. IT was a cheep barbell with blue dice on the end.
I ended up at this grocery store trying to by soup and a bread bowl. All I could find was this rice chicken tortilla concoction which I bougt becase they had figured out a way to keep the tortillas crisps crunchy in the soup.
then I ran back into this kid jeremy and I believe we ended up doing it a ton on a pile of fake money cause we had won the scvanger hunt. Then I woke up.
I ended up at this grocery store trying to by soup and a bread bowl. All I could find was this rice chicken tortilla concoction which I bougt becase they had figured out a way to keep the tortillas crisps crunchy in the soup.
then I ran back into this kid jeremy and I believe we ended up doing it a ton on a pile of fake money cause we had won the scvanger hunt. Then I woke up.
Go to my journal and watch yourself make an ass of.......yourself.
Funny shit.