OMFG. I am soooooo fucking pissed off. I think that I can actually say that I am enraged. Enraged is a good fucking work. It is a brillent fucking word.
I am stressing out over all off this shit that I have to do. I wish I could just wake up and be in Germany. Fuck. It is jus so stressful. ON top of it all I am rockin some PMS that is beyond out of control.
So I have all of my shit together and I am driving home to my sister's house where I will be leaving my car for the month.
I walk in the door to see a dead fish in the fishtank and another fish dieing in the corner. Well this white fish in its last moments is my fish that I have had since I was around the age of 17. My mum has kept it alive for years. It was recently brought over to my sisters house. She has had it for about 2months and has all ready killed it. Thanks you dumb hoe bag. Sure you could chalk it up to old age or what not but she decided to clean out the fish tank. Yeah she managed to kill 2 fish in the process.
On top of that she really just pissed me off by just being herself. She pisses me off. Sure she can have a bad day and we all have to walk on fucking egg shells around her dumb ass but when I freak out she has fucking be a bitch about it. NO ONE ELSE can have a bad fucking moment when she is around cause NO ONE ELSE's experiences matter to her. She is a selfish fucking twat.
I washed this outfit that I was going to wear for the flight. I air dried it so It wouldn't shirnk up. I told her this and I told her i was going to leave it here cause it would be easier. SHE WORE IT. She said she was cold. SHIT you dumb bitch YOU ARE IN YOUR OWN FUCKING HOUSE< do you not have a fucking sweatshirt of your own???????no? Oh I know why cause all of your clothes are on the floor of the basment cause you are too fucking lazy to wash your own clothes...
I may seem to be blowing things out of proportion but YOu all don't know my sister.
I am sure the only person who could even begin to understand would be Wren
She knows first hand how much my sister sucks.
i haveto calm down and get ready for this wedding I have to take pictures for. I should have said no. I have way too much on my plate I should have said no... arrrrrrrrgh. I am just worried I will fuck up the photos. I am not even a trained photgrapher. I am just an idiot with a camera. FUCK<<<<<< fuck fuck fuck
I hate today... I just want to go to sleep .... fuck ...
fuck fuck fuck.
OMFG. I am soooooo fucking pissed off. I think that I can actually say that I am enraged. Enraged is a good fucking work. It is a brillent fucking word.
I am stressing out over all off this shit that I have to do. I wish I could just wake up and be in Germany. Fuck. It is jus so stressful. ON top of it all I am rockin some PMS that is beyond out of control.
So I have all of my shit together and I am driving home to my sister's house where I will be leaving my car for the month.
I walk in the door to see a dead fish in the fishtank and another fish dieing in the corner. Well this white fish in its last moments is my fish that I have had since I was around the age of 17. My mum has kept it alive for years. It was recently brought over to my sisters house. She has had it for about 2months and has all ready killed it. Thanks you dumb hoe bag. Sure you could chalk it up to old age or what not but she decided to clean out the fish tank. Yeah she managed to kill 2 fish in the process.
On top of that she really just pissed me off by just being herself. She pisses me off. Sure she can have a bad day and we all have to walk on fucking egg shells around her dumb ass but when I freak out she has fucking be a bitch about it. NO ONE ELSE can have a bad fucking moment when she is around cause NO ONE ELSE's experiences matter to her. She is a selfish fucking twat.
I washed this outfit that I was going to wear for the flight. I air dried it so It wouldn't shirnk up. I told her this and I told her i was going to leave it here cause it would be easier. SHE WORE IT. She said she was cold. SHIT you dumb bitch YOU ARE IN YOUR OWN FUCKING HOUSE< do you not have a fucking sweatshirt of your own???????no? Oh I know why cause all of your clothes are on the floor of the basment cause you are too fucking lazy to wash your own clothes...
I may seem to be blowing things out of proportion but YOu all don't know my sister.
I am sure the only person who could even begin to understand would be Wren
She knows first hand how much my sister sucks.
i haveto calm down and get ready for this wedding I have to take pictures for. I should have said no. I have way too much on my plate I should have said no... arrrrrrrrgh. I am just worried I will fuck up the photos. I am not even a trained photgrapher. I am just an idiot with a camera. FUCK<<<<<< fuck fuck fuck
I hate today... I just want to go to sleep .... fuck ...
fuck fuck fuck.
Re: my room - make me :p
Relax, Relate, Release