Well i dont really know if anyone reads these but i am going to keep going anyway. I know that i tend to be gone from the site for long periods of time and i am sorry about that when i deploy the only internet access we get is through gov computers and they have SG blocked. A lot has been going on the last few weeks i went home on leave to drop my car off in MI with the parents had a pretty good time at home didnt do much but it was still nice. I got back to Ft Drum the afternoon of my B Day and then went and had a great time hanging out and going to dinner with a friend then had an awesome night at the bar i got covered in cupcakes that one of the bar tenders made me lol.
i did get a little help cleaning it off though
After that night things went down hill a little i got back to my room in the barracks the next day to find it broken into and about $2500 worth of my stuff gone. Whoever did this broke in through my window and waled right out my door with my stuff but not before spraying gang tags on my walls and spilling red paint all over my bed. Since then i have been sleeping worse then normal and i can tell my day to day work is suffering. The hardest part about all that is how close i am to deploying again i leave the end of this month and am not going to be able to get my the money for my things until who knows when. I keep trying to break back into things on here but it is so hard when i have to be gone from the site for so long i have met some awesome people on here a lot of who i talk to either via text of FB but i know there are a lot more people out here worth meeting. I am going to do my best to be on here as much as i can the next few weeks but no promises anyone who wants to contact me can do so on my FB which is linked to my profile (gov computers decided FB was ok) or e mail me at chuckep04@yahoo.com i love hearing from people back home while i am gone and pictures always brighten my day over there (any pictures but being a guy and stuck with guys for a whole year pictures with less clothes are always good lol,) you really could walk out your door snap a pic of the first thing you see and e mail it to me and it would make me smile lol. i hope everyone is doing good and if you did tae the time to read this thank you

it goes still havent heard anything about who broke into my room and still working on the paperwork lol
Gotta love the Army and their paperwork lol I hope they get it figured out for you soon!