Back home in MI for a few days I left Ft Drum at 1300 on sunday and didn't make it back to Taylor untill 0800 monday. I drove right into that winter storm that hit,and a lot of the time couldn't go faster then 35 on the highway. Once i got into MI the roads got so bad that even though I was only 40 mins away from home i had to stop, so i pulled into a rest area and slept for a while untill morning came and the plows had a chance to get out. But i made it home finally and been just hanging out now. The big bummer is that when i get back to Drum is that i am not going to have a car because mine is staying here while i am deployed. Well not much else going on right now i am hanging out with my sister watching tv thinking about what is going on later more then likely going to a bar or something like that.
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 07, 2008
ok so here is whats going on with me life has been a crazy ride of up… -
Saturday Sep 13, 2008
ok so i am back finally got myself kinda out of the hole so well yea -
Sunday Jul 13, 2008
I went to a buddies house last nigt and we had a little gathering lol… -
Sunday Jul 06, 2008
well i guess i have some good news i got my car running again which i… -
Friday Jul 04, 2008
Happy 4th everyone!!!!!! Get drunk and watch shit blow up today i am… -
Friday May 30, 2008
ok so reason number........fuck i lost count at like 10585, i hate th… -
Tuesday May 27, 2008
wow what has been going on...... i just got back from 29 days in ft p… -
Wednesday Apr 16, 2008
yea i really have nothing to put in here nothing new or exciting has … -
Sunday Feb 24, 2008
ok so i havent been on in a while today/yesterday (i havent slept yet… -
Thursday Dec 06, 2007
Wow Ft Drum sucks and i need to get laid been way to long, between th…