i have had a weird last week and a half, first i found out my grandma was admitted to the ER and wasnt looking good, then they figured out what was wrong and that she should be able to get better, then they discovered she has had at least one stroke and were worried about her cordination and reflexes, now she is physically doing ok but her mind is almost gone at times. that was 2 weekends ago and i wasnt allowed to go home a visit her because i had to go to the feild for a week, we worked our asses off in the feild but it was still fun at the end of the week i found out i was going to be able to go home for the weekend which i needed really bad because this place stresses me out sometimes. home was fun but could have been better not only did i realize that i have lost touch with a lot of people back there but visiting my grandmawas a little weird because i never knew if her mind was going to be there or not and it is hard to see her stuck in bed or a wheel chair, plus my sister decided to move in with her fiance without even telling my parents and they arent very happy with that so i got kind of stuck in the middle of it all. on my way back to Ft Drum i had to take the long way because my buddy who rode with me lost his ID so we couldnt cut through canada and he doesnt have a drivers licence so we couldnt share the driving. i am back in Drum now and we had to strip and wax a floor because it didnt look good enough which is a pain in the ass to do. that day after i got back we were going out into the feild agian to zero the sights on our rifles that was a fun 2 days it was raining and cold the entire time and some stupid stuff happened to get the leaders in a bad mood so that never helps anything. yesterday we got back around 10:30 cleaned our weapons and all the normal stuff you have to do when you get back from the feild had our weekend saftey breif about 1:00 then had to wait around and do a bunch of BS stuff for the next 5 hours before we could get off work (it took just about all day to finally warm up too and i like the cold). last night was ok wanted to go out but didnt have the o money so just drank in my room and was on chat untill i felt the room start spinning very fast no idea what time i went to bed but woke up to find out i got paid which is always good. now i am just bullshitting around and somewhat cleaning my room waiting to go out to the bar tonight. i still need and want to get some new pictures up i just havent taken my camera out i do have some videos from our feils training that i might post up here nothing special just us shooting.
More Blogs
Thursday Feb 17, 2011
I finally got my computers fixed. Life has been pretty crazy the last… -
Wednesday Dec 29, 2010
Today is my last full day at home in MI i am leaving tomorrow night t… -
Saturday Dec 25, 2010
Merry Christmas everyone had a good dinner at my grandmas we had a fu… -
Friday Dec 24, 2010
Well Christmas is here again really glad i am back home getting to se… -
Monday Dec 20, 2010
I dont know what made me decide to do this because needles do kinda s… -
Saturday Dec 18, 2010
Ahh as of midnight i am on block leave for the next 17 days. i alread… -
Thursday Dec 09, 2010
Wow it really was march since i updated anything on here i guess my p… -
Wednesday Mar 31, 2010
Well nothing has changed i still suck at sitting down and updating th… -
Thursday Feb 18, 2010
been home for about 3 weeks now and have been having a pretty good ti… -
Wednesday Jan 27, 2010
Another day down only a few more to go untill i am back home in MI fo…
Fun chatting with you drunk army boy