Update 11:30 ish sunday 3/19
Concerning below, I am still learning to a point where I feel that I may be able to put forth a true argument on the topic of gender relations. One that I can say is not based on the biases that I have. This is what I have so far of that argument. I'll update this as it becomes more present in my noggin.
"I personally believe that one should be judged on their individual merits and faults. As such, I usually stay out of the "Men vs. Women" arguments. Such arguments, in my somewhat experienced opinion, are endless and only serve to seperate people. Their passion for their side of the argument has, again, in my experience, deafened each other to excellent points on the other side."
end update
I had wrote a long and involved rant on gender relations and the biases on both sides, but as I don't what I think to have enough information on it to make a truly informed opinion without making it a bias based argument, let me just say this: mysogyny and mysandry suck horribly and equally.
Hope you're all having a good day. If you're a comic fan, go see Akira's post about Jessica Jones.
Concerning below, I am still learning to a point where I feel that I may be able to put forth a true argument on the topic of gender relations. One that I can say is not based on the biases that I have. This is what I have so far of that argument. I'll update this as it becomes more present in my noggin.
"I personally believe that one should be judged on their individual merits and faults. As such, I usually stay out of the "Men vs. Women" arguments. Such arguments, in my somewhat experienced opinion, are endless and only serve to seperate people. Their passion for their side of the argument has, again, in my experience, deafened each other to excellent points on the other side."
end update
I had wrote a long and involved rant on gender relations and the biases on both sides, but as I don't what I think to have enough information on it to make a truly informed opinion without making it a bias based argument, let me just say this: mysogyny and mysandry suck horribly and equally.
Hope you're all having a good day. If you're a comic fan, go see Akira's post about Jessica Jones.
if you can't make an informed argument, then by all means educate yourself. but not just what strikes true for you. know what us bitches are gonna yell at you about.