Y'know Journal, I'm an adult. I pay taxes and bills and deal with the bullshit of the people above me on the occupational and authoritational ladder. Bosses, Police that act more like bullies than peacekeepers, etc.
My parents do not usually find themselves included in those groups. However, today I've grudgingly begun the search for a new vehicle. They are strongly pushing me towards a vehicle that is either four wheel/all-wheel drive as to deal with the snow that tends to fall nice and heavy round here. While I'm not against that, The options that are available to me are not truly acceptable because, quite simply, I dont want a mini suv or a wagon nor do i want the same model of vehicle that my parens have. I do not need a CR-V's wagon style back nor do i want to drive a suv-like Highlander. I want a car. two doors, four doors, dont damn matter. Most AWD cars are out of my price range unless I want to take a car that is without anything. I mean not even fabric on the celing or heat or A/C. So instead, I look toward cars like a Civic that I can get for much cheaper with much more but without AWD. As I do this, i get looked at like I have two heads and then get comments like "I strongly recommend you getting a car with AWD." When I disagree, They walk away with the pissy "whatever" attitude that people that dont get their way get.
All I've ever asked is to be able to make my own decisions and not be ridiculed or looked down upon when I make them. I admit that I make bad decisions when I spend money. I go through paychecks like water when anywhere near movies or books and was planning on getting a lavish, unnecessesary TV. Dispite all that, spending overtly and with little regard was my decision. To not be trusted to make a good decision with money is to be expected after my habits. But when I decide about one type of car over another when affordability is a major issue, possibly the major deciding factor in the car, I am confused and fustrated when my judgement is second guessed.
Getting a new car/vehicle is one of the big, important, growing up type decisions that one of my age can make. I intend to make a decision after much thought and weighing of needs/wants vs. expense. I intend to haggle and dick my way through the sales forces if needed. Once decided, I intend to stick to that decision. If I have to fight and argue with my parents, something I hate doing since we're all stubborn in my family, I'll do it and damn the consequences. If they wont listen to me through rational discussion, I'll use sarcasam and snark and fuel it with my fustration and use it against them happily until they decide to stop second guessing me or walk away from me in disgust and anger. This will be on no one's terms but my own.
My parents do not usually find themselves included in those groups. However, today I've grudgingly begun the search for a new vehicle. They are strongly pushing me towards a vehicle that is either four wheel/all-wheel drive as to deal with the snow that tends to fall nice and heavy round here. While I'm not against that, The options that are available to me are not truly acceptable because, quite simply, I dont want a mini suv or a wagon nor do i want the same model of vehicle that my parens have. I do not need a CR-V's wagon style back nor do i want to drive a suv-like Highlander. I want a car. two doors, four doors, dont damn matter. Most AWD cars are out of my price range unless I want to take a car that is without anything. I mean not even fabric on the celing or heat or A/C. So instead, I look toward cars like a Civic that I can get for much cheaper with much more but without AWD. As I do this, i get looked at like I have two heads and then get comments like "I strongly recommend you getting a car with AWD." When I disagree, They walk away with the pissy "whatever" attitude that people that dont get their way get.
All I've ever asked is to be able to make my own decisions and not be ridiculed or looked down upon when I make them. I admit that I make bad decisions when I spend money. I go through paychecks like water when anywhere near movies or books and was planning on getting a lavish, unnecessesary TV. Dispite all that, spending overtly and with little regard was my decision. To not be trusted to make a good decision with money is to be expected after my habits. But when I decide about one type of car over another when affordability is a major issue, possibly the major deciding factor in the car, I am confused and fustrated when my judgement is second guessed.
Getting a new car/vehicle is one of the big, important, growing up type decisions that one of my age can make. I intend to make a decision after much thought and weighing of needs/wants vs. expense. I intend to haggle and dick my way through the sales forces if needed. Once decided, I intend to stick to that decision. If I have to fight and argue with my parents, something I hate doing since we're all stubborn in my family, I'll do it and damn the consequences. If they wont listen to me through rational discussion, I'll use sarcasam and snark and fuel it with my fustration and use it against them happily until they decide to stop second guessing me or walk away from me in disgust and anger. This will be on no one's terms but my own.