So the verdict from the dentist, who i'm related to apparently, is that I have too much tooth for me mouth and some are going to have to retire to that great place out of the mouth (my oddjob drawer in my dresser). Thats going to be...... oh lord i dont even want to think about it.
In other news, finally wizened up and switched to firefox at home. it's a an improvement i'll tell you what.
I now know which tv i want, so now i just have to get it. it's only two months away if i save, so what the hell.
ok, tired. watching fansubs and such.
In other news, finally wizened up and switched to firefox at home. it's a an improvement i'll tell you what.
I now know which tv i want, so now i just have to get it. it's only two months away if i save, so what the hell.
ok, tired. watching fansubs and such.
toldja firefox is the shiite.