You know Skinny Puppy was my favorite band for a long time, but that last CD they put out SUCKS. I feel so bad for anyone who got the SP logo tatooed on them (an estimated 5% of all goths). Sell outs. They can breakdance to hell.
Cheers to that. SP was my first (real) concert in 85 (really dating my self here) and I stuck with em as long as I could. They lost me years ago.

Much thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. Yes I am now 22. It's not so bad. I don't feel any older. The day after my 21st birthday I felt and looked much older. Of course that was probably due to all the "hard living" I did that day...
Yesterday was good. I did a lot of snuggling with my sweet boy. love
The night before last my car hit 100,000 miles. I'm so proud of her. Happy 100,000 miles Zippy!
Happy B-day lady i wish i knew...
happy happy birthday to you ARRR!!! remember to drink witht he captain
LOL so I just tried out for this cyber TV job but I don't think it went very well. Not only am I socially retarded I also couldn't stop staring at the girl who was interviewing me's breasts. I couldn't help it, they were really nice. In thirty years when I am wondering how it is that I have spent my entire adult life in...
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Don't worry about it smile I would never blow you off.
you sholdnt give attention to any creature that has no intlect its ok to stare at the meat with eyes that walk around the world zombie like consumine everything that is and isnt .. your socal skills should only be used on those whom you deam worthy of your time. and frankly with a body and face as beatiful as yours you shouldnt give the time of day to them anyway what made them zombie like things might just be contagous
It's only the second week of school and I already need a vacation. Oh well, I'll only have to deal these football loving beer drinking date rapist freaks for another three months. Yay! I decided not to continue going out with that guy. He was really nice and we had fun together, but he's just not what I'm looking for. It's so lame. I've been...
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I think sarcasm only works if your on the same wavelength as someone.

Or you know where they are coming from.

I always do think i dont come through particularly well in text, mainly because my english is poor and you dont get to feel the energy of a person in text.
That went surprisingly well smile
i could never date someone who eats flesh..
Why can't I sleep? It's going to be 4:00AM soon and I have to be up at 8:00. As often happens with insomnia I have a sappy song in my head. Tonight it's Something I Can Never Have by NIN. You know it's funny how you can always think of something that song applies to... for me anyway. Ok so it's better than the time...
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I just took out the trash leaving about 20 fruit flies homeless then I made coffee. Fruit flies must really like coffee because I just looked down into my cup and there were 5 little corpses floating around in there. Gross! I wonder how many I ate before I noticed.

Sorry, I just had to share that.
hey, gotta get protein where you can find it... or it finds you, i guess...

this is my take on it: nobody can truly be vegan because no matter how hard you try not to, you will consume animals... maybe there are flies in your coffee, maybe mites in your peach, etc.

this doesn't keep me from trying to be a decent vegetarian, tho'....
I'm not too concerned about insects. I eat honey and wear silk. I eat yeast even though it technically is an animal. Most of my animal rights concerns are about factory farming and animal testing. Those are the systems I don't support. If a couple of fruit flies commit suicide in my coffee then that's their choice not mine. Silly flies.
Ug. Why is it that I never remember that alcohol is not my friend. It's about 200 degrees in my apartment which also does not help. Oh well, I should have known.
I decided that I like this journal better than my livejournal because everyone from my boss to some random people I met once in a club read my livejournal and so all of...
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cold baths.. shiver.. i think the best i can muster is a cool shower.

oh and your welcome to spout random complaints about people/life being shit to me. its how i spend a large amount of my time anyway
Yea for some reason muttering to yourself about your crappy day/life is not as satisfying as posting about it on the internet. Why?
I need to update my profile, but not right now.
What was supposed to be the summer of crazy drug use has turned into the summer of 12 hour work days. Damn my over-inflated sense of responsibility. I never took the road trip I had planned but the map of the Western US is still on my wall. I quit smoking cigarettes and started smoking...
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