I wanted to avoid being spoilt as to who was going to play the new Doctor Who, so I changed my home page. It was set to the BBC News, and they always report on Doctor Who, since it's the BBC's biggest show right now. And yet how did I get spoilt? (Because sure enough, I was.) ROFLRazzi.com! (Warning, contains spoilers.
) At least I haven't heard of the guy, so I won't have his previous roles stuck in my head when I "meet" him.
I need to make more cookies. The dough is ready, I just have to bake it. I also owe my husband his birthday cake! He turned 30 this past Sunday.
I finally started reading Dune, which is a really good thing. Aside from being a good book, it's getting Twilight and its even worse sequels out of my head. I tend to get obsessed with whatever I'm reading or watching, you see, so it's quite a relief to have something of quality running around my head instead.

I need to make more cookies. The dough is ready, I just have to bake it. I also owe my husband his birthday cake! He turned 30 this past Sunday.
I finally started reading Dune, which is a really good thing. Aside from being a good book, it's getting Twilight and its even worse sequels out of my head. I tend to get obsessed with whatever I'm reading or watching, you see, so it's quite a relief to have something of quality running around my head instead.

i feel like i'm pretty over the top in expressing my feelings towards the opposite sex. of course i only do it for the lulz, i'm actually quite the gentleman.