I worked from home today because I had a midwife appointment in the middle of the afternoon. Came back from my appointment, then had a nap. Did I mention that I love my job? "Flex time" they call it.
Of course now my work laptop is blinking at me, trying to guilt me into opening it up and doing some more work ... Quiet, you!
TV tonight. I think we have three episodes of Dexter, and three episodes of Heroes to catch up on. We save them, you see, so we can watch a whole bunch in a row. Makes it easier than having a cliffhanger every week. I really have no idea where either show is going this season, but I'm caught right up again.
Our youngest cat is washing another of our cats, and he's turned her ear inside out. It looks funny.
I really hope someone gives me a gift certificate for a pedicure and/or manicure for the baby shower.

TV tonight. I think we have three episodes of Dexter, and three episodes of Heroes to catch up on. We save them, you see, so we can watch a whole bunch in a row. Makes it easier than having a cliffhanger every week. I really have no idea where either show is going this season, but I'm caught right up again.
Our youngest cat is washing another of our cats, and he's turned her ear inside out. It looks funny.

I really hope someone gives me a gift certificate for a pedicure and/or manicure for the baby shower.
All I know I learned on tv.
If I ever had one though I'd probably make people sign the "guestbook" in crayon and try to feed them playdough spaghetti, just so they'd have something freaky to talk about in the office on monday.
If you are ever in town by the way and up for tea.. with or without crumpets..let me know