This morning I went to the ROM with my husband, daughter, Meridon and her fianc to see a re-enactment of the myth of Horus and Set put on by the SSEA. Who should I bump into but Mneylu! I stared while trying not to stare while trying to figure out where I knew her from.
This weekend was an Egyptology symposium or something like that, so she and Benderelle had been attending the lectures and such. (If only I had the time and/or money, sigh.) Dr. Geraldine Pinch was there! Like whoa! 
So things have been going. Work, school, work, work, work, weekend, repeat. They're apparently starting the process of hiring me directly, rather than employing me as a contractor through a temp agency, which makes me happy. It means job security, benefits, and a raise not to mention room for advancement. I'll be 30 in a year and a bit, so I'm good and ready for some career stuff.
We got another pleco for our fish tank. S/he's big! And apparently used to belong to the Hells Angels, but was among the seized property from a raid.
Our fish is hardcore!

So things have been going. Work, school, work, work, work, weekend, repeat. They're apparently starting the process of hiring me directly, rather than employing me as a contractor through a temp agency, which makes me happy. It means job security, benefits, and a raise not to mention room for advancement. I'll be 30 in a year and a bit, so I'm good and ready for some career stuff.
We got another pleco for our fish tank. S/he's big! And apparently used to belong to the Hells Angels, but was among the seized property from a raid.

What degree/diploma are you going to be getting?
You're very sweet to be setting aside business cards for me. Thanks!