Today's a no underwear kind of day. 
I was planning to go out today to meet some friends, but that was all the way in Mississauga. Since I spent all day at the ROM yesterday with some other friends and the baby, I was too tired to trek all the way out there today. I'm not upset, though. I could use a quiet day, and my husband decided to take advantage of me.
We'll be heading out to the grocery store in a little while to pick something up for dinner. BBQ tonight! We need starter fluid. And maybe some beer. Perhaps we'll spend some time at the park before going to the store, if the little lady is up for it. She was so tired from her day out yesterday (running around all the exhibits, skipping both naps) that she slept in until 10 this morning!
Laaazy Sunday.

My friend took this photo of me at lunch yesterday. I didn't know he was taking it! You can see the tiny dot on my nose that is my nose stud, and you can kinda see the 4g tunnels and 12 or 14g captive bead rings through my ears. That blouse is so comfy!

I was planning to go out today to meet some friends, but that was all the way in Mississauga. Since I spent all day at the ROM yesterday with some other friends and the baby, I was too tired to trek all the way out there today. I'm not upset, though. I could use a quiet day, and my husband decided to take advantage of me.

We'll be heading out to the grocery store in a little while to pick something up for dinner. BBQ tonight! We need starter fluid. And maybe some beer. Perhaps we'll spend some time at the park before going to the store, if the little lady is up for it. She was so tired from her day out yesterday (running around all the exhibits, skipping both naps) that she slept in until 10 this morning!

My friend took this photo of me at lunch yesterday. I didn't know he was taking it! You can see the tiny dot on my nose that is my nose stud, and you can kinda see the 4g tunnels and 12 or 14g captive bead rings through my ears. That blouse is so comfy!
zoo trip???