Some old lady tried to steal our ribs at the grocery store tonight. We were bagging things and she had just paid, and my husband looks around. "Where are the ribs?" he asks, knowing they were the first thing to be bagged. Sure enough, the little old lady ahead of us was walking away with them. Since a bag of ribs looks like a bag of ribs, there's no doubt in my mind that she knew exactly what she was doing when she took them. Bitch. Don't come between me and my meat!
The Ben & Jerry's ice cream was on sale again. I'm trying Fossil Fuel which is "sweet ice cream with chocolate cookie pieces, fudge dinosaurs and a fudge swirl" ... mmm! He's trying the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (or whatever fancy name they have for it).
We're making pizza for dinner for the first time in ages. Pizza dough is really simple to make, and then I cheat and eat it raw sometimes. I'm wierd, I know, but dough is sooo yummy. Two minutes left and all I can smell is pizza. Too bad I don't have a Guinness to go with it.
Edit: new TOOL! Fucking right!!

The Ben & Jerry's ice cream was on sale again. I'm trying Fossil Fuel which is "sweet ice cream with chocolate cookie pieces, fudge dinosaurs and a fudge swirl" ... mmm! He's trying the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (or whatever fancy name they have for it).
We're making pizza for dinner for the first time in ages. Pizza dough is really simple to make, and then I cheat and eat it raw sometimes. I'm wierd, I know, but dough is sooo yummy. Two minutes left and all I can smell is pizza. Too bad I don't have a Guinness to go with it.

Edit: new TOOL! Fucking right!!

Sorry about the Sens.
I am a simple man. It is nice beer.