Glad you all like my new user pic!
I took it as a lighting test for Meridon's shoot on Sunday. Vewwy pwomising.
As I was on my way home, leaving the subway station I saw three young men wearing red toques, raising money for the Raising the Roof campaign. I overheard one of them say: "Some homeless guy just stole all our money. He grabbed it and ran."
The world is a fucked up place.

As I was on my way home, leaving the subway station I saw three young men wearing red toques, raising money for the Raising the Roof campaign. I overheard one of them say: "Some homeless guy just stole all our money. He grabbed it and ran."

The world is a fucked up place.
Anywho I have photos which I will be posting in my journal and a folder for everyones viewing pleasure, so you can see them there and my little fun review of the show.