This has been a great year for my sense of self. I've really become comfortable in my own skin, comfortable with who I am, my likes and dislikes, my tastes and instincts. I've realised that I don't need to emulate or imitate anyone to "be cool" because damn, I'm pretty cool already.
One thing that helped me realise that was setting up my launchcast station. I know someone who wants to be a professional in the music industry "when she grows up" who I'd asked to point me to some cool music. She never really did, but last I heard, she was really into My Chemical Romance.
And then I realised that I don't have to force myself to like what other people like, or hide my own preferences. And I have damn good taste in music, I must say!
I'm also settling into my own sense of style, which didn't suit me when I was younger. I like the school marm look, the bussle and corset, the formality of the age of chivalry. Though you certainly wouldn't know it looking at me now. Pajamas are comfy, but definately not sophisticated.
It probably doesn't hurt that I've got all you lovely people telling me that I'm beautiful and interesting!
Ah, yeah, ego stroking, gotta love it.
Finally I will leave you with this. Go click on the spoiler tag to look at pictures of her house. I want her bathroom wall art!! All I've got in my bathroom is a bunch of ducks.
One thing that helped me realise that was setting up my launchcast station. I know someone who wants to be a professional in the music industry "when she grows up" who I'd asked to point me to some cool music. She never really did, but last I heard, she was really into My Chemical Romance.

I'm also settling into my own sense of style, which didn't suit me when I was younger. I like the school marm look, the bussle and corset, the formality of the age of chivalry. Though you certainly wouldn't know it looking at me now. Pajamas are comfy, but definately not sophisticated.

It probably doesn't hurt that I've got all you lovely people telling me that I'm beautiful and interesting!

Finally I will leave you with this. Go click on the spoiler tag to look at pictures of her house. I want her bathroom wall art!! All I've got in my bathroom is a bunch of ducks.
Glad you are coming into your own though with the old sense of self. You ARE cool and you've got a great look.
So good on you for diggin it.