The visit with my sister went well. The cupcakes were a disaster! They didn't rise at all and were inedible. I'll have to give it another try this weekend, along with the xmas cooking we'll be doing for our First Ever Xmas Together. Mmm, week of gooood fooood.
Went to the dentist on Monday, and we all know how much fun that is. The hygenist actually seemed insulted when I told her she was hurting me. Yes, those are tears streaming out of my eyes, lady. You're poking my gums with a sharp metal object.
And it's not like I have sore gums or poor oral hygiene. I always get compliments on my nice teeth and gums whenever I see a new hygenist. Why don't we get to poke them after they're done with us?? Maybe it would encourage them to be gentler.
I finally found a tiny little star to put at the top of our tiny potted xmas tree. Our tree is so small that the presents must go in a pile beside it instead of under it. The pile is almost as high as the tree (including pot) right now!
If I could afford the fourth present for him, it would be a much higher pile. He'll have to wait unitl his birthday, though. (January's really not far away.)
Advent calendar contents from the last six days!
Two more tiny presents, one with a tiny cell phone inside. And a festive scroll. Huzzah.
A tiny cat, begging for food. Like I need another one of those!
Two days of prizes here: a woman and a camcorder. Now the vanilla explanation would be that this is the childrens mother, but the sick and twisted explanation is that this is the lady who kidnapped them and is now making a ransom video.
Yesterday's prize was another tiny cat, and today's prize was the tiny watercolour set. No sign of a tiny watercolour brush.

The visit with my sister went well. The cupcakes were a disaster! They didn't rise at all and were inedible. I'll have to give it another try this weekend, along with the xmas cooking we'll be doing for our First Ever Xmas Together. Mmm, week of gooood fooood.
Went to the dentist on Monday, and we all know how much fun that is. The hygenist actually seemed insulted when I told her she was hurting me. Yes, those are tears streaming out of my eyes, lady. You're poking my gums with a sharp metal object.

I finally found a tiny little star to put at the top of our tiny potted xmas tree. Our tree is so small that the presents must go in a pile beside it instead of under it. The pile is almost as high as the tree (including pot) right now!

Advent calendar contents from the last six days!

Two more tiny presents, one with a tiny cell phone inside. And a festive scroll. Huzzah.

A tiny cat, begging for food. Like I need another one of those!

Two days of prizes here: a woman and a camcorder. Now the vanilla explanation would be that this is the childrens mother, but the sick and twisted explanation is that this is the lady who kidnapped them and is now making a ransom video.

Yesterday's prize was another tiny cat, and today's prize was the tiny watercolour set. No sign of a tiny watercolour brush.