I replaced Maia with Cherry in my favourites and then noticed my current selection makes a rainbow. I didn't do it on purpose, but that's pretty cool. Now: none of you ladies can change the overall colour scheme of your picture! Otherwise, you may be replaced. I may be a little too obsessed with aesthetics. Just maybe.
The new kitten keeps trying to nurse from our male cat. The two female cats won't let the kitten try it on them, and the male is such a pushover, I'm concerned the kitten will never break the habit. My husband's worried the kitten might accidentally suck on something other than a nipple. Poor kitten.
The new kitten keeps trying to nurse from our male cat. The two female cats won't let the kitten try it on them, and the male is such a pushover, I'm concerned the kitten will never break the habit. My husband's worried the kitten might accidentally suck on something other than a nipple. Poor kitten.
Hope you enjoyed, I am off to bed, have a good night!
Filthy little pervs!!
Nah, we (as far as I know) do not have a word for inter species mating when a human isn't involved.
hope all is well,