Today has started off as a great day!! I woke up a little early and rode my bike with my brother to his place of work so we could grab breakfast along the way at a Bike to Work station. They had so many of them setup all over Boulder to encourage people to use all the bike paths for their path to work today.
I'm also happy for all my friends who will benefit from the decisions made by the supreme court of the USA this morning that helped legalize benefits for gay and lesbians married couples across the country.
My brother's pet cockatiel has been demanding attention this morning and it's so hard to ignore him while he's trying to climb my bare legs while I"m trying to make myself lunch. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and supporting Corgan in her new set that's been posted.

I'm also happy for all my friends who will benefit from the decisions made by the supreme court of the USA this morning that helped legalize benefits for gay and lesbians married couples across the country.
My brother's pet cockatiel has been demanding attention this morning and it's so hard to ignore him while he's trying to climb my bare legs while I"m trying to make myself lunch. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and supporting Corgan in her new set that's been posted.