I'm on my way home to repack storage units to prep them for movers over the next two weeks. I worked enough hours to earn 140 straight time hours in the last two weeks because of some amount of overtime, but it means that I'll be collecting 60 hours over the next two weeks that they gave everyone off to keep us sane among the touring. I'm still trying to digest that the new company I'm working for has everyone work on the road for 10 weeks and then they give us 2 weeks to recover before we go and do it all over again in different cities. I think this will help me keep from burning out. It's about time to board my flight and make my way to CT for prep for my move to CO. I hope everyone is having fun and I'll be checking in more often over the next two weeks and hopefully viewing lots of sets and pickings lots of photos to share in my blog.
Congrats on the new job and do not work too hard. Try to get some rest here and there.
Thank you! I hope you like it