I spent my day churning up old memories as I dug through boxes in my storage unit. I'm currently living on the road with work, so all of the furniture, books, most photos, kitchen equipment and such, are all packed away into a storage unit. I wasn't out of college for very long before I went on the road, so there were still bunches of notebooks and presentation boards and such that in my pack rat mentality I thought that I would need in the future. I churned through a bunch of it today and eliminated several boxes of stuff, but really there was less stuff that I was willing to part with at this point than I had anticipated.
This cleaning of stuff out of my life is always an interesting time. I've had to do a bunch of it in the last 3 years as I had people who were very close to me such as my father pass away unexpectedly. My Mother also lost her parents in the last 3 years and I was fairly close to them as well. In all of the deaths we've had to clean out a full condominium of stuff where my grandparents had been living for over 30 years and there was stuff from apartments that my Father had occupied for a couple years after my parents got separated. Some of the things are easy to part with because you realize they're a duplicate of something that you already have and some of it has no meaning to anyone now that the owner is gone, but some of it still has tons of sentimental value attached. I've now gone through stuff for the second and third time in some cases and now I'm really starting to realize what does and doesn't have value attached to it. It has been very helpful to have all of this happen now as my mother had to deal with a lot of it and is now starting to go through her stuff and start to pare it down so that my brother and I, the two remaining family members, won't have such a huge pile to go through if something were to happen to her. Anyway, I always start to ramble about things like this and I should really head to bed for some sleep tonight as Tuesday is my travel day back to the circus where I'll pick up with them in Carbondale, IL and continue the touring life. I hope everyone who reads this is having a great evening!
This cleaning of stuff out of my life is always an interesting time. I've had to do a bunch of it in the last 3 years as I had people who were very close to me such as my father pass away unexpectedly. My Mother also lost her parents in the last 3 years and I was fairly close to them as well. In all of the deaths we've had to clean out a full condominium of stuff where my grandparents had been living for over 30 years and there was stuff from apartments that my Father had occupied for a couple years after my parents got separated. Some of the things are easy to part with because you realize they're a duplicate of something that you already have and some of it has no meaning to anyone now that the owner is gone, but some of it still has tons of sentimental value attached. I've now gone through stuff for the second and third time in some cases and now I'm really starting to realize what does and doesn't have value attached to it. It has been very helpful to have all of this happen now as my mother had to deal with a lot of it and is now starting to go through her stuff and start to pare it down so that my brother and I, the two remaining family members, won't have such a huge pile to go through if something were to happen to her. Anyway, I always start to ramble about things like this and I should really head to bed for some sleep tonight as Tuesday is my travel day back to the circus where I'll pick up with them in Carbondale, IL and continue the touring life. I hope everyone who reads this is having a great evening!

aww thank you