Grrrr..where to start i've never been good on these blog thingies but i'll give it a try.
Betrayal ain't it a bitch...just when u think u have found that one right person in your life, hey wow where did that knife in my back just come from..ouch..ya right i'm about to just give up on tryin ghonestly wtf is goin gon seriously people dont think you'll figure out whats going on..indeed love is blind and smetimes u dont see it..but i've walked this road before and life experience so it seems can rip those blinders off.
I saw the warning signs and tried to stop things before they were lost, but to no avail...but hey what the fuck right..i can just be tossed to the side nothing really matters, relax its just your heart and soul u gave someone i mean whats the worst that can happen right
well im just in a totally sullen mood right now and have no idea how to deal with things...can u say hello epic meltdown
Betrayal ain't it a bitch...just when u think u have found that one right person in your life, hey wow where did that knife in my back just come from..ouch..ya right i'm about to just give up on tryin ghonestly wtf is goin gon seriously people dont think you'll figure out whats going on..indeed love is blind and smetimes u dont see it..but i've walked this road before and life experience so it seems can rip those blinders off.
I saw the warning signs and tried to stop things before they were lost, but to no avail...but hey what the fuck right..i can just be tossed to the side nothing really matters, relax its just your heart and soul u gave someone i mean whats the worst that can happen right
well im just in a totally sullen mood right now and have no idea how to deal with things...can u say hello epic meltdown