Hey all, apologies for going inactive for abit but my life has been a roller coaster for awhile and finally has left me off. I'll be posting some new artwork shortly as well. Hope all you beautiful ladies are well and I hope to talk to you all again very soon..I MISSED YOU ALL !!!!
Well my beautiful ones on Sg..a month ago I found out I was diabetic..I realized I was sick when I went from 160 pounds and dropped to 130 in just a few months. I have since changed everything in my life, my diet and sugar intact, caffeine, and now regularly exercise. I feel better than I have in years. I hope everyone else is doing...
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Sleep.......never around when you really need it...grrrrrrrrrr
Back to work ughhhh...prays for the idiots to stay away
Life isn't bad so far.....more a pain in the ass..

Work Sucked...lol
ok got that outta the way, just want to have a pretty chilled day with no worries or anyhting, probably be lazy and do ..ummm...nothing...yeah sounds like a plan to me.
ok got that outta the way, just want to have a pretty chilled day with no worries or anyhting, probably be lazy and do ..ummm...nothing...yeah sounds like a plan to me.
Well I had to take a Heitus, from SG for awhile while I got my head sctraight....and finally it was time to come back where i belong. I missed you ladies and all the fun I had on this site. going to posting up some of the artwork i've been working on and yeah to say i'm in a better place at this point in...
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Grrrr..where to start i've never been good on these blog thingies but i'll give it a try.
Betrayal ain't it a bitch...just when u think u have found that one right person in your life, hey wow where did that knife in my back just come from..ouch..ya right i'm about to just give up on tryin ghonestly wtf is goin gon seriously people dont think...
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Betrayal ain't it a bitch...just when u think u have found that one right person in your life, hey wow where did that knife in my back just come from..ouch..ya right i'm about to just give up on tryin ghonestly wtf is goin gon seriously people dont think...
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I'm not one to be depressed but lately life has been just what seems like draining me of everything. I don't drink but i went out and bought a 12 pack og heineken and intend to get just smashed..uncharacteristic of me yes..but right now anything will help.