I've pared down my friends list to just those people I actually have or maybe will in the future interact with.
distant - You and I will be talking for many years into the future; of that I am certain. I love our friendship and you're one of the coolest guys I have ever not met.
EyesOfaTragedy - It is a tragedy I have not talked to you more than I have, especially with how much I totally love your writing and all that you are (at least that I know). I may still bother you on AIM.
Garnet - Where the hell have you gone??!! You're one of those wonderfully thinking and mature people. You live in places I can only dream of, and I hope you enjoy it more than you dislike it. I hope someday we can stimulate each other's thinking in a refreshingly surprising way again. Let me know how you're doing in Lima and am I right in thinking you've re-fallen in love somewhere in the last few months?
LeeLoo - Honest truth, you're the hottest non-SG I know on here. You're also one of those people I kinda wish I had talked to more, but have barely talked to at all. Perhaps we'll still converse a bit through mutual friends. I hope school goes well for you this year!
LTrain - I never had so much fun with someone in SG chat. I really kinda miss you LTitty! Anyway, you're still one of those people that I would love to hook up with had you liked guys!
milkplus - We'll be talking, if not on this site, then on another site or irc network...
Ophelia - The shy one.
I hope things continue to go well with you and kamel. I'm not sure if I said congrats, so...CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!
If you ever need anyone for anything at all, please look me up. You're the best,, O.
reveldaisy - You need to get on AIM sometime..that or I will have to actually email you when my account dies on here!
I hope things are well and school is going better than school usually is (you'll miss it when you're done, trust me!). For some reason with you, I feel quite contented to probably live only a scant couple miles away, but still have never met you.
Shalome - Ahhh, fellow g33k girl. Ever since moving away to the coast, I've had all of maybe a few sentences interaction with you...and this after endless weeks of literati and chat and even seeing you smile (a few times) on your web cam! We need to talk again...and if plans hold true, I should run into you at dc13. If you're still on Yahoo, add LonerVamp!
sunburntkamel - Ahhh, Adam. Other than distant, you're one of those guys on here that I could easily grow old with (in a guy friendship sort of way). If I'm ever in Chicago, I'm going to see if I can track you down before I am in town. I'd love to share a few beers and hang out with you guys, you rock. I think you're maybe the best and coolest guy I've met through SG.
Synnove - You're a fucking FREAK! But we all love it! You're an endless riot both in IRC and in your journal, I think you're one of the most beautiful girls on SG, I think you and User are one of the best couples, and I wish you well in your job search if it has not already ended.
Zelda - Amy. You are the one who invited me here in the first place almost 12 months ago. I don't much know what's going on lately as you've been quiet, but you're always a lingering thought whenever I peruse the site here. I hope to keep in contact with you babe. You're beautiful, this site is great, and I TRULY TOTALLY thank you for inviting me into this wonderful little community. It truly has been worth it. *BIG HUG!*
Anyway, Christ, sign-off laundry lists are cheeZZEE! Enough with this.
distant - You and I will be talking for many years into the future; of that I am certain. I love our friendship and you're one of the coolest guys I have ever not met.
EyesOfaTragedy - It is a tragedy I have not talked to you more than I have, especially with how much I totally love your writing and all that you are (at least that I know). I may still bother you on AIM.

Garnet - Where the hell have you gone??!! You're one of those wonderfully thinking and mature people. You live in places I can only dream of, and I hope you enjoy it more than you dislike it. I hope someday we can stimulate each other's thinking in a refreshingly surprising way again. Let me know how you're doing in Lima and am I right in thinking you've re-fallen in love somewhere in the last few months?

LeeLoo - Honest truth, you're the hottest non-SG I know on here. You're also one of those people I kinda wish I had talked to more, but have barely talked to at all. Perhaps we'll still converse a bit through mutual friends. I hope school goes well for you this year!
LTrain - I never had so much fun with someone in SG chat. I really kinda miss you LTitty! Anyway, you're still one of those people that I would love to hook up with had you liked guys!

milkplus - We'll be talking, if not on this site, then on another site or irc network...
Ophelia - The shy one.

reveldaisy - You need to get on AIM sometime..that or I will have to actually email you when my account dies on here!

Shalome - Ahhh, fellow g33k girl. Ever since moving away to the coast, I've had all of maybe a few sentences interaction with you...and this after endless weeks of literati and chat and even seeing you smile (a few times) on your web cam! We need to talk again...and if plans hold true, I should run into you at dc13. If you're still on Yahoo, add LonerVamp!
sunburntkamel - Ahhh, Adam. Other than distant, you're one of those guys on here that I could easily grow old with (in a guy friendship sort of way). If I'm ever in Chicago, I'm going to see if I can track you down before I am in town. I'd love to share a few beers and hang out with you guys, you rock. I think you're maybe the best and coolest guy I've met through SG.
Synnove - You're a fucking FREAK! But we all love it! You're an endless riot both in IRC and in your journal, I think you're one of the most beautiful girls on SG, I think you and User are one of the best couples, and I wish you well in your job search if it has not already ended.

Zelda - Amy. You are the one who invited me here in the first place almost 12 months ago. I don't much know what's going on lately as you've been quiet, but you're always a lingering thought whenever I peruse the site here. I hope to keep in contact with you babe. You're beautiful, this site is great, and I TRULY TOTALLY thank you for inviting me into this wonderful little community. It truly has been worth it. *BIG HUG!*

Anyway, Christ, sign-off laundry lists are cheeZZEE! Enough with this.

i think your interpretation of the quote was the closest to mine.
i'll catch you elsewhere... and we need to rememdy that not met bit... it's been what... 5 years now?