Hrm, another friend down, this time to an expired account. D'oh!
Not much is up with me lately, hence lack of posting. Most of my time and mental energy is spent surviving at work in the midst of a very awesome and fun, but very laborious and stressful expansion of our main offices...which includes a 100% move of our HQ server room into a brand spanking new NOC. And yes, I insisted we call it a NOC (Network Operations Center) because it fits and its a damn cool name!
So my manager's manager I think looked at my migration plan, and in true manager fashion, asked me to redo it with more detail.
Easier said than done because detail means putting in times and steps, which I won't know until the trigger is pulled to do it. But hey, manager's gotta feel useful somehow, eh?
Anyway, went in to the office today a while, hooked up a couple switches to the new NOC, pulled some cable, documented all the finished drop lines and set up the second wireless AP. Tomorrow I'll finish configuring the two switches, and shore up my plans and pictures and diagrams (I'm a Visio whore now) and turn them in Monday to see what other busywork that high-level manager wants me to do.
I always have my neat thoughtful moments in my car or someplace I can't just type them up quickly...and by the time I get here, they've flitted away as the will'o'wisp. I need to invest in a cell phone or something that lets me record a memo or two...or maybe just learn to use my own work phone...
By the way, I'm finished up my Silent Storm campaign (Axis on the hardest difficulty), after which I can retire the game and hopefully move on to purchase City of Heroes.
Not much is up with me lately, hence lack of posting. Most of my time and mental energy is spent surviving at work in the midst of a very awesome and fun, but very laborious and stressful expansion of our main offices...which includes a 100% move of our HQ server room into a brand spanking new NOC. And yes, I insisted we call it a NOC (Network Operations Center) because it fits and its a damn cool name!
So my manager's manager I think looked at my migration plan, and in true manager fashion, asked me to redo it with more detail.
Easier said than done because detail means putting in times and steps, which I won't know until the trigger is pulled to do it. But hey, manager's gotta feel useful somehow, eh?
Anyway, went in to the office today a while, hooked up a couple switches to the new NOC, pulled some cable, documented all the finished drop lines and set up the second wireless AP. Tomorrow I'll finish configuring the two switches, and shore up my plans and pictures and diagrams (I'm a Visio whore now) and turn them in Monday to see what other busywork that high-level manager wants me to do.

I always have my neat thoughtful moments in my car or someplace I can't just type them up quickly...and by the time I get here, they've flitted away as the will'o'wisp. I need to invest in a cell phone or something that lets me record a memo or two...or maybe just learn to use my own work phone...
By the way, I'm finished up my Silent Storm campaign (Axis on the hardest difficulty), after which I can retire the game and hopefully move on to purchase City of Heroes.