Watched two movies recently. The Cooler with William H. Macy and Alec Baldwin...mostly because I saw Macy's interview on this very site last fall/winter. Great movie.
I also just finished watching The Legend of Ron Jeremy. Now, I'm not as much a porn fan (I'm about as little a porn fan as most any guy is, barring fanatic religious types), but I find this guy to be living a unique life and I've heard good things about the movie. I learned the following from this movie-documentary:
Ron loves food, and he loves to eat. He's a sensualist, which I can relate to.
Ron has mild narcolepsy, but will not admit it.
Ron drives terribly...he would fucking freak me out with his driving. Couple this with his mild narcolepsy, and you can easily guess he'll die in a car wreck someday.
He's a tightwad. If you saw him in an airport with his garbage sack luggage, t-shirt, and shorts, you'd never think it was really him. He looks unkempt and dirty.
He has had sex with an estimated 4000 women.
He is single. And you can see his face turn briefly sad when mentioning his desire to someday have kids, or a wife.
"Sex is easy. Love, that's the hard one."
He can come on cue...
Basically...the guy is about as regular as you get, just that he has a large cock and got into the industry at the right time and in the right place. He's boring, has terrible comedy, looks out of place many times, has foibles...but bottomline, the guy seems like such a nice, generous, personable guy...yet he has that stigma of being a porn star.
A very interesting movie-documentary about a very unique person. Honestly, I feel sorry for the guy, but yet...he's just being real and doing what his mind and heart think he wants.
I also just finished watching The Legend of Ron Jeremy. Now, I'm not as much a porn fan (I'm about as little a porn fan as most any guy is, barring fanatic religious types), but I find this guy to be living a unique life and I've heard good things about the movie. I learned the following from this movie-documentary:
Ron loves food, and he loves to eat. He's a sensualist, which I can relate to.
Ron has mild narcolepsy, but will not admit it.
Ron drives terribly...he would fucking freak me out with his driving. Couple this with his mild narcolepsy, and you can easily guess he'll die in a car wreck someday.
He's a tightwad. If you saw him in an airport with his garbage sack luggage, t-shirt, and shorts, you'd never think it was really him. He looks unkempt and dirty.
He has had sex with an estimated 4000 women.
He is single. And you can see his face turn briefly sad when mentioning his desire to someday have kids, or a wife.
"Sex is easy. Love, that's the hard one."
He can come on cue...
Basically...the guy is about as regular as you get, just that he has a large cock and got into the industry at the right time and in the right place. He's boring, has terrible comedy, looks out of place many times, has foibles...but bottomline, the guy seems like such a nice, generous, personable guy...yet he has that stigma of being a porn star.
A very interesting movie-documentary about a very unique person. Honestly, I feel sorry for the guy, but yet...he's just being real and doing what his mind and heart think he wants.
scary. wouldn't want to be him.
you forgot that part in your summary lol
you did miss out on the SG event of the season! Prom was awesome! you should definentally look into going next year... im already excited about it! hehe