My song of the week is Tongue by Underworld. (right-click, save as...) The song is trippy, quiet, trance-like, and reminds me a lot of my Diablo 2 days...
I've not posted much lately, and mostly because I'm playing a new game that I bought called Silent Storm. It is a turn-based combat strategy game set in it kinda doesn't turn on my FPS friends.
I flushed one of my bettas at work this week. He just was not getting better and was finally just laying sideways on the bottom of the tank, gills moving...fins would flutter a bit when I scooped him up, but otherwise I think he was a goner. I'll clean up the tank this weekend and buy another one Monday over lunch or something...or maybe I'll hang out at the office a few hours and keep an eye on his first few hours in a new home.
Whee, that's my news....
I've not posted much lately, and mostly because I'm playing a new game that I bought called Silent Storm. It is a turn-based combat strategy game set in it kinda doesn't turn on my FPS friends.

I flushed one of my bettas at work this week. He just was not getting better and was finally just laying sideways on the bottom of the tank, gills moving...fins would flutter a bit when I scooped him up, but otherwise I think he was a goner. I'll clean up the tank this weekend and buy another one Monday over lunch or something...or maybe I'll hang out at the office a few hours and keep an eye on his first few hours in a new home.
Whee, that's my news....

the waxing is fabulos. I dont know how many men do it, but i highly reccomend all woman do it over shaving. Shaving sucks big time, compared to waxing. IT was only $40.00 too. It is well worth the time, money and pain.

I had a betta once. My cat ate it. All I found wat the chewed on back fin.