I must have just hit the magic number of times to buy gas with a credit card or something...in the last two business days I have received 5 pre-approved gas-credit-card mailings, all the same size, the same contents, to be returned to the same god-forsaken place in South Dakota, and all bearing logos from different competing gas companies. Lame...
Yesterday was a horrific day at work where anything that was started never worked nor finished...and today was largely spent picking up the pieces and putting things back where they belong. I expect tomorrow will be much the same.
Blah blah blah...so much work lately that I'm just not feeling up to typing anything creative or interesting here...perhaps in chat later or something...
Yesterday was a horrific day at work where anything that was started never worked nor finished...and today was largely spent picking up the pieces and putting things back where they belong. I expect tomorrow will be much the same.
Blah blah blah...so much work lately that I'm just not feeling up to typing anything creative or interesting here...perhaps in chat later or something...
haha you like my hair