...I've never seen you cry before,
But I know when I make you laugh.
If you didn't want this and I didn't need it,
Then how has this interest become an addiction?
If you didn't want it, then why can't you do without?
Deep Blue Something, Halo
I picked up three journals today.
This first is a small leather-bound journal, black, with a single long strap to wrap around, and a flap to cover the front. It bends and it has ultra soft leather...very nice...reminds me of the grail diary in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.
The second is a slightly larger hardcover book with a rough leather covering. I like leather, as not only does it have a slightly unique texture and character, but it's so much more durable...leather grows with age and use, and becomes that much more special and unique as it absorbs experiences...coffee cups, rain, use, the way its held...etc.
The third is a book I wasn't going to get, but I knew I would never find another one. It's a hardcover with about 50 silver studs on the front and back, black binding, and a pattern of deep grooves in the spine. Lots of pages filled with what can be described as college-rule lines (I hate having nice journals with 15 lines per page..ugh), and really has a nice feel to opening it and paging through. The silver studs add so much though...it almost feels medieval, somewhat devilish, somewhat taboo...it's great!
Not sure what I'll use them for, but one is for work, one will be for general writing, and one will be a note-taking book for computer/networking stuff...commands, websites, tidbits, notes, passwords, and other miscellaneous things I glean from papers, websites, books, and experience...it'll start out as my "hacking" journal...so often I fill up little pieces of post-it notes as I scribble a new tool or finally get just the right configuration on something, only to know I'll forget it in 2 months anyway...too often I'll have a book, reading along, and have a need to write down something otherwise it'll be lost and forgotten as I move on past it.
For those who know what I'm talking about, I love the current drama from Infinium Labs (Phantom Gaming Console) and their importency problems..I mean, threats of lawsuits to sites like www.hardocp.com, a highly respected computer hardware/overclocking site.
I was driving home in the rain in decent traffic and was thinking how business sometimes works just like traffic moving on busy streets. Some people are courteous and give others the right of way, even when it was really their turn...but then sometimes they get railroaded into waiting 5 more minutes for a gap in traffic. There are others who roar everywhere like they own the place; they must have high blood pressure and ulcers and tempers. Then there are others like me who tend to adhere to the rules more often than not, taking turns in traffic, and basically not expecting anyone to give me special favors, nor giving any asshole-attitude in return; people who are efficient and do things the proper way, which in turn allows everyone to move about their business as efficiently and optimally as possible. I wish business people were more like efficient, law-abiding drivers, where communication channels were utilized efficiently and properly without people running around up and down the chain when they get a "no" from one section. I wish people in business would be assertive and not let things slide, only to find in the end that they're fucked over in additional work/effort/time wasted. Sadly...being an IT department in a company whose previous CTO sucked ass, we're starting to have to lock things down more and tell people no, which gets them all in a huff...a huff about "having" to follow proper channels. Boohoo.
But I know when I make you laugh.
If you didn't want this and I didn't need it,
Then how has this interest become an addiction?
If you didn't want it, then why can't you do without?
Deep Blue Something, Halo
I picked up three journals today.
This first is a small leather-bound journal, black, with a single long strap to wrap around, and a flap to cover the front. It bends and it has ultra soft leather...very nice...reminds me of the grail diary in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.

The second is a slightly larger hardcover book with a rough leather covering. I like leather, as not only does it have a slightly unique texture and character, but it's so much more durable...leather grows with age and use, and becomes that much more special and unique as it absorbs experiences...coffee cups, rain, use, the way its held...etc.
The third is a book I wasn't going to get, but I knew I would never find another one. It's a hardcover with about 50 silver studs on the front and back, black binding, and a pattern of deep grooves in the spine. Lots of pages filled with what can be described as college-rule lines (I hate having nice journals with 15 lines per page..ugh), and really has a nice feel to opening it and paging through. The silver studs add so much though...it almost feels medieval, somewhat devilish, somewhat taboo...it's great!
Not sure what I'll use them for, but one is for work, one will be for general writing, and one will be a note-taking book for computer/networking stuff...commands, websites, tidbits, notes, passwords, and other miscellaneous things I glean from papers, websites, books, and experience...it'll start out as my "hacking" journal...so often I fill up little pieces of post-it notes as I scribble a new tool or finally get just the right configuration on something, only to know I'll forget it in 2 months anyway...too often I'll have a book, reading along, and have a need to write down something otherwise it'll be lost and forgotten as I move on past it.
For those who know what I'm talking about, I love the current drama from Infinium Labs (Phantom Gaming Console) and their importency problems..I mean, threats of lawsuits to sites like www.hardocp.com, a highly respected computer hardware/overclocking site.
I was driving home in the rain in decent traffic and was thinking how business sometimes works just like traffic moving on busy streets. Some people are courteous and give others the right of way, even when it was really their turn...but then sometimes they get railroaded into waiting 5 more minutes for a gap in traffic. There are others who roar everywhere like they own the place; they must have high blood pressure and ulcers and tempers. Then there are others like me who tend to adhere to the rules more often than not, taking turns in traffic, and basically not expecting anyone to give me special favors, nor giving any asshole-attitude in return; people who are efficient and do things the proper way, which in turn allows everyone to move about their business as efficiently and optimally as possible. I wish business people were more like efficient, law-abiding drivers, where communication channels were utilized efficiently and properly without people running around up and down the chain when they get a "no" from one section. I wish people in business would be assertive and not let things slide, only to find in the end that they're fucked over in additional work/effort/time wasted. Sadly...being an IT department in a company whose previous CTO sucked ass, we're starting to have to lock things down more and tell people no, which gets them all in a huff...a huff about "having" to follow proper channels. Boohoo.
Celebratoy sex huh? I can top that, i might get to partake in a threesome tonight. Yeah Me!!!!!
