You looked out the window, you looked at the moon;
And you sat on the corner of my bed,
And you smoked with the ghost in the back of my head,
- Lisa Loeb, Do You Sleep
I added a new pic of me. I need to figure out how to stream from my website, but have the webcam physically attached to a different computer than my web server. That or get VisionGS to actually upload images to my War FTP just errors out so far (yet it works to upload to SG...).
Work hasn't been kicking my ass lately, but it sure as hell has been hectic and exciting. I may get to play with $1 million more in hardware for a new client in DC (no, I can't tell you who), our team may double, we're getting new office space across the hall in our building which will see me with a 2x larger server room (thank god), and I'm getting to learn all sorts of new things and getting pushed in new directions. I'm also realizing that I likely know more than I think I do in all this geeky stuff...I just need to do these things "for real" once, and I'm good to go. I'm also positioned nicely to keep rooted in my focus of network/computer security. That's a nice plus!
So yeah, busy, but tremendously exciting!
Chat recently revolved around how assholes get chicks, and some of the reasons behind this...including why chicks even like the assholes. Now, while I am not a huge proponent of "nice guys finish last" or any of those theories, they are somewhat interesting to ponder...if for no other reason than for self-growth. I was going to post the 8 or so theories or statements we came up with in chat...but I won't bore anyone.

By the way, I miss old chat regulars like Shalome and Azrael and even the whole SGLiterati group.
i don't believe in the nice guys finish last stuff. nope.
nice new pic!