Today has been an overall good day, despite being busy out of my skull...but I did make progress on all my pending tasks, completed some smaller tasks, and mead headway on some long term tasks that are not quite as high of a priority in terms of least for now. I tend to pride myself on my prioritizing and organizing skills...
I actually just got back from work (yes it's 7:31pm here). Now, while that may sound like I'm whining, I'm really saying that in a subdued excited sort of way. I stayed late to help out with some VPN issues (we're using a new VPN and new users are still needing hand-holding to get used to it) and other things that I needed to do only after most people had left.
My immediate supervisor, the senior sys admin, has been in town for the past few days and he was in late tonight (he's normally at our data center facility with the rest of the sys admin team, I'm the lone ranger here in HQ where I double-duty as sys admin remotely and desktop manager for 80 workstations+network here). Also present were two senior developers cum systems analysts, and my direct manager, the VP of technology. It's nice being around them afterhours as they mix business talk with some smack talk and casual, almost kidlike "guy talk."
I also got a pizza in the oven right now (sorry SPM, it's just plain cheese), which is a story in's actually interesting how events just kind of follow a course and then have some weird end result. I got home late from work and I don't fee like wasting more of my night cooking anything, so I wanted something quick and good. However, per a previous post my ATM card is missing, leaving me short on a liquid cash supply. Now, I could have hit my bank during lunch today, but the cyber bar and grille is only open for workday lunch on Fridays now, so we all had to trundle over there for an hour (doh, ok, more than an hour) to play some games, leaving me no time to hit the bank to grab some money...
At any rate, lunch also helped my mood as the cyber bar just installed Call of Duty, the game I'm off playing if you see me playing some "violent online game" while in chat. Unfortunately, we didn't know it was there until we were leaving, but this just means we'll be having a night of drinking and gaming soon. At any rate, the game we did play, ended up with my team (2 on 2) making a nice comeback from 15 points down to win by 15...a very quality and excellent hour spent gaming, to be honest, and we all felt very satisfied.
So circumstances are kinda weird right now, but yet, it was a very good day for me and I'm quite happy tonight.
I actually just got back from work (yes it's 7:31pm here). Now, while that may sound like I'm whining, I'm really saying that in a subdued excited sort of way. I stayed late to help out with some VPN issues (we're using a new VPN and new users are still needing hand-holding to get used to it) and other things that I needed to do only after most people had left.
My immediate supervisor, the senior sys admin, has been in town for the past few days and he was in late tonight (he's normally at our data center facility with the rest of the sys admin team, I'm the lone ranger here in HQ where I double-duty as sys admin remotely and desktop manager for 80 workstations+network here). Also present were two senior developers cum systems analysts, and my direct manager, the VP of technology. It's nice being around them afterhours as they mix business talk with some smack talk and casual, almost kidlike "guy talk."
I also got a pizza in the oven right now (sorry SPM, it's just plain cheese), which is a story in's actually interesting how events just kind of follow a course and then have some weird end result. I got home late from work and I don't fee like wasting more of my night cooking anything, so I wanted something quick and good. However, per a previous post my ATM card is missing, leaving me short on a liquid cash supply. Now, I could have hit my bank during lunch today, but the cyber bar and grille is only open for workday lunch on Fridays now, so we all had to trundle over there for an hour (doh, ok, more than an hour) to play some games, leaving me no time to hit the bank to grab some money...
At any rate, lunch also helped my mood as the cyber bar just installed Call of Duty, the game I'm off playing if you see me playing some "violent online game" while in chat. Unfortunately, we didn't know it was there until we were leaving, but this just means we'll be having a night of drinking and gaming soon. At any rate, the game we did play, ended up with my team (2 on 2) making a nice comeback from 15 points down to win by 15...a very quality and excellent hour spent gaming, to be honest, and we all felt very satisfied.
So circumstances are kinda weird right now, but yet, it was a very good day for me and I'm quite happy tonight.

I just wanted to say Merry Christmas!
Oh and about the hair thing, I'm glad you were honest with me.
That's what I like most about you, you say what you mean, and you mean what you say. Have a good one!
