all right dudes. coming into the home stretch with the semester. feels like fuckin' quicksand, no such thing as 'finished.' no such thing as 'almost finished.'
one week from now, i will feel much better.
congrats to finch and ragdoll for their sets going live. we all love finch and ragdoll.
i hope everyone gives them 5 million comments.
if you happen to be in the louisiana area, please stop by and assassinate me
(notice i said 'assassinate.' only important people are assassinated.)
so that i never have to do massive literary/film projects ever again.
grad school. the bane of my existence.
"if you could cheer me up, i could learn to love you..."
name the band from whom i took the above lyric, win my soul!
love, luz.
What do you do when youre not studying?