hello, all.
today i am skipping school.
mondays are always daunting. i have to be at school for 13 hrs. so i figured, hell, if i'm gonna play hooky, this is the day to do it.
of course i rationalize this "skipping of school" by saying, "okay, i'll do a lot of homework. today will be my catch-up day..."
....as opposed to a "ketchup day," which i'm sure is a very different type of day....
so here's what i've done:
read book 7 of paradise lost.
wrote the first two of SIXTY annonated bibliographies due at end of the semester. the subject? yukio mishima and nihilism.
do any of you people have anything to say about nihilism?
not that it would mean anything, anyway. ha ha. get it?
here's what i still have to do:
watch ghost in the shell again, this time taking notes of existentialist thoughts i notice throughout the film. i am planning on doing my final project for my existentialism class on this movie.
do you guys have any opinion on existentialism in ghost in the shell?
somebody better come through for me on these literary q's! or else....
or else....
or else...

andy and roxanne might just have to say 'fuck you!'
p.s. once again, COME TO JAPAN WITH ME! this is not a joke.
p.p.s. another thing that is not a joke:
i love you bitches! y'all's my girls, fo' real, yo.

your boy and that puppy are so cute. i want a puppy likewoah.
(i, too, am a literary type, but yukio mishima and nihilism is not my area of expertise. so sorry.