it began as a normal day where i was heading to work but Bugsy's car died before we left for vacation so he was coming with me so he could have my car for the day after dropping me off. We were like literally on HWY 36 for 2 min, we hadn't even made it to the first exit after getting on near our house and I completely lost control of my truck in the left lane. We were swerving really badly back and forth in the lane and i was trying so hard to regain control and straighten my car back out. It felt like forever and I was starting to panic and vaguely just remember yelling "what do i do" and "oh my god" Finally in a panic I stepped on my brakes which was probably a huge mistake but I didn't know what else to do. What happened next I will never forget and I wish I could. My car went flying into the right lane and then we went barreling off the highway. Bugsy and I both thought that was it and this is how we would die once we left the highway. I don't remember everything once my car left the highway but basically we went bouncing down a hill into a field, I remember breaking through an old wooden and wire fence and then Bugsy said that my car began to spin out and we slammed into a huge fence post on the passenger side which knocked my car over. the truck came crashing down on the driver's side. I think I screamed his name and just screamed the whole way in the field until it all stopped.
Once the car stopped and we realized we were alive we both immediately had the panic feeling of get out of the car now! and I didnt realize what it was at the time but Bugsy coffee spilled all over my legs, all i felt was wet on my legs and thought what the fuck is leaking on us! He yelled for me to get out of the car and I climbed out the passanger window which was now directly above my head. As I was pulling myself out I saw all of these people running down the hill to help us. (Thank you) I jumped out of the car and they were trying to see how I was and I didn't care I just yelled please get my boyfriend out..and they did. It never felt so good to be in his arms...and then we realized he was gushing blood. He told me after that he raised his arms when he saw we were gonna hit that 2nd fence and his arm got all cut on the window.
There was glass everywhere and everything was such a blurr. I just sat on the ground and cried. They took us away in an ambulance, I was strapped down like a scene out of Grey's Anatomy because I said my neck hurt. It is amazing the minor injuries we came away with and that we survived.

His arm was all cut up, they pulled lotsa chunks of glass out and he's got a bunch of stitches. He is in a ton of pain because the bone is soooooo bruised but no broken bones. This is his only injury!
My neck and back are super sore, I'm very uncomfortable and I sprained my ankle. The same one from a few months ago. I guess I twisted it climbing out of my seat and then I jumped off the top of the car and landed on it, and I was barefoot - my shoes came flying off when we wrecked. So it's in a splint and I'm on crutches again (well supposed to be..I should use them more)

This is the most visible injury I have other than my ankle, it's from my seatbelt and this pic makes it look like no big deal. But it is pretty nasty looking and hurts a bunch. I have some other tiny cuts here and there that I was pulling glass out of and that's it. We were pulling glass outta our hair all day.
It is amazing that we are ok and I'm so thankful. I was so worried about Bugsy and I still feel really bad. I have this horrible guilt of why didn't I get hurt worse cause I was driving and now we are gonna have huge medical bills cause of the ambulance and hospital cause we have high deductibles on our health insurance.
We saw my car the next day and I can't believe what it looks like...all of the windows are broken and she's just wrecked. They said it's totalled...I really liked that truck, if not for it and our seatbelts I don't think we would be here.
We didn't get anyones name at the scene that came running down to help us or even get the chance to thank them. It was amazing how many people came to help and thankfully no one else was involved in the wreck.
I haven't been to work since Tuesday and now tomorrow I have to get on the highway (in the rental car i don't feel comfortable in) and drive to Boulder for work. I'm scared to drive, scared to get on Hwy 36 and i will spend the whole day reliving all of this because all of the patients will be concerned and want to know what happened.
I don't look forward to any of it. I kind of plan to just spend the whole day in a percocet fog since Bugsy will take the car and pick me up from work.
Thank god for the percocet....
it began as a normal day where i was heading to work but Bugsy's car died before we left for vacation so he was coming with me so he could have my car for the day after dropping me off. We were like literally on HWY 36 for 2 min, we hadn't even made it to the first exit after getting on near our house and I completely lost control of my truck in the left lane. We were swerving really badly back and forth in the lane and i was trying so hard to regain control and straighten my car back out. It felt like forever and I was starting to panic and vaguely just remember yelling "what do i do" and "oh my god" Finally in a panic I stepped on my brakes which was probably a huge mistake but I didn't know what else to do. What happened next I will never forget and I wish I could. My car went flying into the right lane and then we went barreling off the highway. Bugsy and I both thought that was it and this is how we would die once we left the highway. I don't remember everything once my car left the highway but basically we went bouncing down a hill into a field, I remember breaking through an old wooden and wire fence and then Bugsy said that my car began to spin out and we slammed into a huge fence post on the passenger side which knocked my car over. the truck came crashing down on the driver's side. I think I screamed his name and just screamed the whole way in the field until it all stopped.
Once the car stopped and we realized we were alive we both immediately had the panic feeling of get out of the car now! and I didnt realize what it was at the time but Bugsy coffee spilled all over my legs, all i felt was wet on my legs and thought what the fuck is leaking on us! He yelled for me to get out of the car and I climbed out the passanger window which was now directly above my head. As I was pulling myself out I saw all of these people running down the hill to help us. (Thank you) I jumped out of the car and they were trying to see how I was and I didn't care I just yelled please get my boyfriend out..and they did. It never felt so good to be in his arms...and then we realized he was gushing blood. He told me after that he raised his arms when he saw we were gonna hit that 2nd fence and his arm got all cut on the window.
There was glass everywhere and everything was such a blurr. I just sat on the ground and cried. They took us away in an ambulance, I was strapped down like a scene out of Grey's Anatomy because I said my neck hurt. It is amazing the minor injuries we came away with and that we survived.

His arm was all cut up, they pulled lotsa chunks of glass out and he's got a bunch of stitches. He is in a ton of pain because the bone is soooooo bruised but no broken bones. This is his only injury!
My neck and back are super sore, I'm very uncomfortable and I sprained my ankle. The same one from a few months ago. I guess I twisted it climbing out of my seat and then I jumped off the top of the car and landed on it, and I was barefoot - my shoes came flying off when we wrecked. So it's in a splint and I'm on crutches again (well supposed to be..I should use them more)

This is the most visible injury I have other than my ankle, it's from my seatbelt and this pic makes it look like no big deal. But it is pretty nasty looking and hurts a bunch. I have some other tiny cuts here and there that I was pulling glass out of and that's it. We were pulling glass outta our hair all day.
It is amazing that we are ok and I'm so thankful. I was so worried about Bugsy and I still feel really bad. I have this horrible guilt of why didn't I get hurt worse cause I was driving and now we are gonna have huge medical bills cause of the ambulance and hospital cause we have high deductibles on our health insurance.
We saw my car the next day and I can't believe what it looks like...all of the windows are broken and she's just wrecked. They said it's totalled...I really liked that truck, if not for it and our seatbelts I don't think we would be here.
We didn't get anyones name at the scene that came running down to help us or even get the chance to thank them. It was amazing how many people came to help and thankfully no one else was involved in the wreck.
I haven't been to work since Tuesday and now tomorrow I have to get on the highway (in the rental car i don't feel comfortable in) and drive to Boulder for work. I'm scared to drive, scared to get on Hwy 36 and i will spend the whole day reliving all of this because all of the patients will be concerned and want to know what happened.

Thank god for the percocet....
Long time no talk. Thanks for the message. I'll message you my email. I'm going to try and post more pics of San Diego soon. I really only took pictures of the zoo (mostly pandas, lol) and of PETCO baseball park. In any case, I'll get them up. I hope you heal soon.