Buggsy and I went to the nuggets game on thursday night because i was nice enough to get him tickets for his birthday. Good thing we went thurs and not last night cause they actually won when we went. last night they sucked ass. i don't even like basketball. i obliged because he does things for me and now i sound like i know what i'm talking about ha. anyway it seems their season is over cause there is no way they are gonna win the next 3 games so yea! no more sports until football starts again
and then it will be broncos all the time and i'm really not that into football. i don't understand the game that's probably part of it. the only sport i can get into is hockey and i don't like the avs, sorry guys i'm a devils fan! there's nothing cooler than men fighting each other on the ice in between knocking that puck around
OK...enough of my sports rant. It's raining...i can hear it...i love that. we need the rain and i love the smell and sound. i want a realy good thunder and lightening storm. i never thought that forest fires would be a concern in my life until i moved here. wierd.
i'm really outta nonsense to spout about..
hope everyone had a great weekend!

OK...enough of my sports rant. It's raining...i can hear it...i love that. we need the rain and i love the smell and sound. i want a realy good thunder and lightening storm. i never thought that forest fires would be a concern in my life until i moved here. wierd.
i'm really outta nonsense to spout about..
hope everyone had a great weekend!

Glad to hear you had a good weekend.