Today's my last day in LA
I don't want to go back home, although i do really miss the brody! it will be great when he curls up with me in bed tonite
Me and buggsy rented crusier bikes yesterday and rode from Venice Beach to Santa Monica and hung out in Santa Monica for awhile. it was soooooo much fun!!! And now i want a crusier bike even more when i get home. We wanted them anyway..but oh so sweet,. I and gonna get the PAUL FRANK pink skurvy and buggsy might get the matching one in black. hehe we are so cheese!!!
we got totally sunburnt on our bike ride which neither one of us expected since it was early and we hadnt gotten burnt the 2 days before. oh well..buggsy is bitching a bit but sweet i'll have a nice tan after.
I think i may have sprained my foot or ankle or something. i was tooling around in the sand and twisted it and it still hurts really bad 2 days later and i've been walking on it a ton! oh well, i'll get the boss to look at it tom!
So my free internet at home is no longer. ha it was so nice having an airport and getting internet but now the one i was using is passworded, it was bound to happen eventually,. So now i have to buck up and start paying for internet again. I lucked out though and they are coming to install it Thurs
only without internet for a day when i'm home. sweet. i was fully prepared to wait a week or 2.
So i'll be back thursday kids, i'm going to have breakfast and enjoy my last day here...i'm so sad to leave!!

I don't want to go back home, although i do really miss the brody! it will be great when he curls up with me in bed tonite

Me and buggsy rented crusier bikes yesterday and rode from Venice Beach to Santa Monica and hung out in Santa Monica for awhile. it was soooooo much fun!!! And now i want a crusier bike even more when i get home. We wanted them anyway..but oh so sweet,. I and gonna get the PAUL FRANK pink skurvy and buggsy might get the matching one in black. hehe we are so cheese!!!
we got totally sunburnt on our bike ride which neither one of us expected since it was early and we hadnt gotten burnt the 2 days before. oh well..buggsy is bitching a bit but sweet i'll have a nice tan after.
I think i may have sprained my foot or ankle or something. i was tooling around in the sand and twisted it and it still hurts really bad 2 days later and i've been walking on it a ton! oh well, i'll get the boss to look at it tom!
So my free internet at home is no longer. ha it was so nice having an airport and getting internet but now the one i was using is passworded, it was bound to happen eventually,. So now i have to buck up and start paying for internet again. I lucked out though and they are coming to install it Thurs

So i'll be back thursday kids, i'm going to have breakfast and enjoy my last day here...i'm so sad to leave!!
glad to hear you had a great time, and thanks for the nice compliment 

thanks, can't wait to see them