Happy New Year!!! Christmas was good. We haven't talked in a bit. I misses you. Anyways, how have you been? I hope you are okay and everything in life is great.
there is now a picture of me on the internet.
scared of pictures, have probably had none take of me since i was 12 me.
i can't believe me.
kill me.
no no, i will not take it down...no matter how much i am tempted to.
after three days of being really down i am finally "up" again. thank god, it was beginning to tax even my own patience not to mention my boyfriend who is not really used to dealing with my mood swings...at least, not while trying to be supportive and stuff. i am happy to report that i am happy again!!!
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that are true about you.
3. Whatever you don't bold are false.
01. i made some bad decisions when i was younger
02. i don't watch much tv these days
03. i love broccoli
04. i love sleeping
05. i have loads of books
06. i once slept in... Read More
friends can be sucky bastards sometimes. take my friend l, she is great when it comes to having a laugh and is great in general but she can be complete shite sometimes as being the shoulder to cry on. well mostly anyway. she isn't a horrible person or anything its just that shes too logical and i am too emotional. sometimes you want your... Read More
ummm i want to reopen my lip again...a side ring on the left, very cute. dunno if i'm going to though cuz i am going to have to look respectable soonish when looking for a job for some christmas dough.
update your journal you so and so!