well i hope you all are having as good of a day as i am! i found out that i passed my semester's classes, which i never thought would happen. sooo much relief right about now. i've been running around like crazy trying to get all my shit in line before i leave for virginia this weekend, and that was the good news i definitely needed. in the next two weeks, i'm working pretty much doubles every day, having another photo shoot, and getting another tattoo. then i start up my third semester, and last year, of dental hygiene school.
in other news, i've had a pretty entertaining week in which karma has finally come back in my favor. i found out recently that me ex-fiance has been living about a mile from me with his girlfriend. and i finally encountered him the day after i found this out. i laughed a little to myself when he tried to make me rear end his car. nahhh. not really a little. a lot. sorry dude. you broke up with me because i was "loser going nowhere who mutilated herself with tattoos." the best thing that could have ever happened in my life was that piece of shit leaving me. i mean. i'm a full time student in a program that i completely love, i still manage to pay for all my bills myself, and i get tattoos whenever the fuck i want. sucks to suck when you're going to end up in the same place you've always lived, work the same job you've always worked, and just be a complete douchebag.
i cannot even wait for this new year to begin, and to start all new adventures. most of all, hopefully make friends with some more sweet and lovely ladies on this site!