these ridiculously busy weeks really need to slow down on me! summer is already almost over, and all i've done is go to school and work. =( i need some really nice distractions from my homework!
help me out, please and thank you!
what my life has been reduced to.
but i DID find time for a new addition! definitely my favorite by far!

my pathetic sleepy overworked face.
my crew of unholy terrors.

what my life has been reduced to.

but i DID find time for a new addition! definitely my favorite by far!

my pathetic sleepy overworked face.

my crew of unholy terrors.


Smiles are always a good place to start, it amuses me that your unholy terrors are led by what most people consider to be the holiest of them all haha. Maybe that's what the next apocalypse will look like 

I think the sleepy overworked face is the cutest!! Cant give you any distractions here, your 4 hour east coast time difference is just to much for me!