i'm completely trapped in my house here in new jersey. this snow is absolutely miserable. my usual ten minute drive home from work took me a solid forty minutes of slipping all over the road. good thing new jersey girls are expert drivers. ;) i just wanted to share that i've started working with this amazing photographer local to me, @lopshire. he's extremely talented, and...
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so i finally just finished up this semester's classes today, so naturally it's the perfect time to blog. i have so many exciting things coming up in the next month. first, and most importantly, i am beyond excited to shoot with @lopshire tomorrow! he's an amazing photographer, and i am so lucky to have a chance to work with him. i'm also very very excited...
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thank you all so very very much for the overwhelming amount of love on my new set! you all made me blush so much. =) sorry for the delay in my thank you; i spent the night watching some babes at the strip club. i'm excited to say that i have some new projects in the works that may expand beyond suicide girls. we'll seeeee....
my newest set "you're so last summer" is coming out in just a few hours! i'm so excited to see what you all think of it! everyone that has supported me and given me love so far, i can't thank you enough. it really means a lot to me, and gives me some faith in my dream of going pink! let me know what you...
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i'm almost finished with this semester, and it's such a relieving feeling. i'll only have three weeks off from school, but it's better than nothing. this program completely runs my life, and it's very hard to explain to people how i'm never free at the moment. it also really affects my ability to spend my time working on becoming a suicide girl which kills me....
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