Random Epiphinies from two sisters conversations - 8/26
1)if only i had been told what is appropriate i would not have to go through the hell of learning what is appropriate.
2)We're all going to most likely be alive for a very long time. its about time we started figuring out some basics.
3)sleeping with someone WILL emotionally attach you to the other person
4)Set aside a specific time to review the to do, and have done to clear up brain space.
5)Guilt is not discipline.
(nothing turns me on more than artistic integrity)
1)if only i had been told what is appropriate i would not have to go through the hell of learning what is appropriate.
2)We're all going to most likely be alive for a very long time. its about time we started figuring out some basics.
3)sleeping with someone WILL emotionally attach you to the other person
4)Set aside a specific time to review the to do, and have done to clear up brain space.
5)Guilt is not discipline.
(nothing turns me on more than artistic integrity)
Sisters are very smart. My brother and I never come up any epiphinies when we talk.
and here I thought you were gone.