today i feel like an emotional basketcase. but i don't know why, and there's no particular reason for it. and its not even pms. because i just had that. i guess i'm journaling this because i thought i should note it. one day maybe, i'll compile a list to see if there's a damn pattern to all this up up uping and down down downing. and no. its not alcohol. and its not drugs. its my normal emotional state of instability. absent minded should indeed be my middle name. sometimes its like i have momentary (as in an actaul moment/second/time for a thought)amnesia. and times like right now are hard. because i need to go to a birthday party. and i wish i could just stay home. i would stay home. but its for my best friend's boyfriend. and i know the only reason i dont want to is because i'm once again in the funk. i played piano for about 15 minutes out of absolute and pure need not to implode. so hehe. at least it let a little bit out. cheers. i was planning on putting pictures up sooner. but life just gets crazy.
if you had to give up one or the other, which would you. . . love or infatuation?
if you had to give up one or the other, which would you. . . love or infatuation?

just curious as to what made u think to ask that? Hm and i feel ya i never wanna go out i just wanna hide in the comfort of my home, but as u said ur just in a "funk" and im sure your intellegince will allow you to escape these feelings.
Hope you start to feel better soon...