i'm in a new house
yay! and i have internet again. yay! i had rehearsal with a bass player and a drummer.. was fun..good practice i suppose if nothing big comes out of it... that great boy (or so i thought) was great, turned out to be a pansy assed jerk, that didnt even have the balls to tell me he we over me or cheating on me or whatever. just stopped calling. that's cool thou. i talked to one of the other girls on his myspace list, and she said he was macking on her too.. oh well. fun while it lasted. a little broken-hearted at the absolute lack of consideration he had... onto other boys. or girls, if the fancy struck me. i haven't been feeling very poetic lately, i'm up and down and up and down, not quite sure where i'm headed next. guess the creativity is taking a back seat till i get caught up with all the work i have to do to go with all that creative inspiration... i was down to $.08 in my bank account after depositing the $4.65 after i apparently wasn't keeping track of my expenses as well as i should've been. try try again. but then luckily i come home to find the rest of my deposit from my other apartment complex here! i guess someone in the universe wants me to eat this week.
.. then again. i could just not eat, and then buy a real piano. choices choices. (or maybe i should buy a camera... hehe) with luck and the universe i'll get all three.

I say you eat. You can't paly piano if you've starved to death.