everytime i say, oh i'll have the willpower. either not to touch myself. or at least to not fall asleep right after i do. but here i am, 10:55 just woke up from nodding off after masturbating at 7:30. how does a girl get anything done! i'm not sure. which comes to me thinking i need to stop masturbating. but i just can't help it. i'm finally lucky enough to have a boy that gladly gives me 4, 5 & 6 orgasms (a day)(at least) when i see him, so being a girl, and a taurus, i not only want one more, but really to take the edge off all of that insane sexual energy, it seems the only solution. i only wish i could have the last few hours back to get what i intended to do, done. nevertheless, a girl never complains about too many orgasms.
The weekend has been so fun,
on friday, us attempting to watch a movie, but instead sex after conversation, and then coffee at the kasbah (a cool moroccan house that was the old mojos' a dear old love of mine, a place invariably that whatever it shall be, it shall have a soul) talking about how we wished we had the time to learn everything, seeing the metalwork on the walls, and the ornate woodworking in the furniture, and the velvet on the drapes. i had pizza and it was good. the coffee was better. i was happy it was well made enough espresso that i could stand to drink it without sugar if i wanted to, but then added sugar anyway, because i like it sweet. and strong. then a walk back, more talking, more orgasms, amazing sex, and then somewhat peaceful sleep. i say somewhat because i dreamt of a lebanese invasion of the united states, where carrying my piano and amplifier i was caught, and then almost made to give up my piano, but took my amplifier and let me go on my way. and earlier i was in school hallways gathering my belongings to leave. who knew a piano and a amplifier could fit into a school locker. i've been dreaming of hallways alot lately.
Saturday, was work, and a day full of mostly annoying customers. but i was still buzzing from such a great night before that lasted most of the day. on my break, i read a magazine that had a story about a boy that lost his sight at 2 years old, but that had learned to see by echolocation the distance between objects. it was inspirational and his mother believed in him, wholeheartedly. throughout that day i also had a mini-epiphany, that this one chick inspired. she said "The OLD jaime, would've freaked out about this, she would have cared and made a huge deal" (as i caught on that she was in fact jaime, and that something changed where she threw it out the window and decided to be the NEW jaime) i think this could work wonders for me. the OLD lux would hate herself for wasting 4 hours sleeping after masturbation. not the new lux. So that was saturday - day. saturday night we got to hang out again. we were supposed to go out with a girl friend of mine and her boyfriend. but i hadn't heard from her, so around 11 we decided to go out. He asked about any places within walking distance, and we had been to a few, but he hadn't been to the tavern yet. so we took our quick little walk, going down that trecharous hill of MLK around the corner to get us a few tasty draft beers. him -black&tan, me - bass. i loved walking up the stairs, having the three guys at the top checking me out, hoping so much that i would've been followed by some hot friend, so they could try their sleazy ways with me, but then they saw i was with someone, and went on their merry way. we sat outside which was muggy, somewhat hot, but still nice enough and talked, alot that night about our shitty parents, and how each of us if we were ever parents would try to do a better job, or at least not be so uptight about stupid things. sex, drugs, growing up, having some guidance. we had another, then left to walk back, and walking back up the hill wasn't half as bad, but before we got there, on the side of lamar, there is this little bridge that goes off into some sort of park (pease park) i think. i gave that half look like we should go make out. and then we were kidding, but then he said he was following me, and dammit if he's following me, then we're going back to that little bridge to make out. technically you could've seen him fondling under my skirt if you happened to be walking down lamar at the time(although you'd have to be looking), but luckily no one did, and i orgasmed and then contemplated going down on him there, but decided against it, just to make sure we wouldnt get caught. so we walked back up the giant hill over conversation and found ourselves home, him pulling up my dress before we even got in the door. more amazing sex. and holding each other tight, and falling asleep. but i didnt sleep right away so i laid and listened as he would twitch every now and again, and i hoped he was sleeping well. i fell asleep, slept of more hallways, and we woke up sunday, fucked again, after i had so underhandedly gave him a massage (that i had intended to give him at an earlier point) in order to give me an excuse to jump his bones again. he told me he owed me for the massage, i told him it was repayment, and we both laughed. life is good when life is reciprocal. i think its my new favorite way of being with someone. when its reciprocal you know its good. and rare. which both of us are grateful for.
The weekend has been so fun,
on friday, us attempting to watch a movie, but instead sex after conversation, and then coffee at the kasbah (a cool moroccan house that was the old mojos' a dear old love of mine, a place invariably that whatever it shall be, it shall have a soul) talking about how we wished we had the time to learn everything, seeing the metalwork on the walls, and the ornate woodworking in the furniture, and the velvet on the drapes. i had pizza and it was good. the coffee was better. i was happy it was well made enough espresso that i could stand to drink it without sugar if i wanted to, but then added sugar anyway, because i like it sweet. and strong. then a walk back, more talking, more orgasms, amazing sex, and then somewhat peaceful sleep. i say somewhat because i dreamt of a lebanese invasion of the united states, where carrying my piano and amplifier i was caught, and then almost made to give up my piano, but took my amplifier and let me go on my way. and earlier i was in school hallways gathering my belongings to leave. who knew a piano and a amplifier could fit into a school locker. i've been dreaming of hallways alot lately.
Saturday, was work, and a day full of mostly annoying customers. but i was still buzzing from such a great night before that lasted most of the day. on my break, i read a magazine that had a story about a boy that lost his sight at 2 years old, but that had learned to see by echolocation the distance between objects. it was inspirational and his mother believed in him, wholeheartedly. throughout that day i also had a mini-epiphany, that this one chick inspired. she said "The OLD jaime, would've freaked out about this, she would have cared and made a huge deal" (as i caught on that she was in fact jaime, and that something changed where she threw it out the window and decided to be the NEW jaime) i think this could work wonders for me. the OLD lux would hate herself for wasting 4 hours sleeping after masturbation. not the new lux. So that was saturday - day. saturday night we got to hang out again. we were supposed to go out with a girl friend of mine and her boyfriend. but i hadn't heard from her, so around 11 we decided to go out. He asked about any places within walking distance, and we had been to a few, but he hadn't been to the tavern yet. so we took our quick little walk, going down that trecharous hill of MLK around the corner to get us a few tasty draft beers. him -black&tan, me - bass. i loved walking up the stairs, having the three guys at the top checking me out, hoping so much that i would've been followed by some hot friend, so they could try their sleazy ways with me, but then they saw i was with someone, and went on their merry way. we sat outside which was muggy, somewhat hot, but still nice enough and talked, alot that night about our shitty parents, and how each of us if we were ever parents would try to do a better job, or at least not be so uptight about stupid things. sex, drugs, growing up, having some guidance. we had another, then left to walk back, and walking back up the hill wasn't half as bad, but before we got there, on the side of lamar, there is this little bridge that goes off into some sort of park (pease park) i think. i gave that half look like we should go make out. and then we were kidding, but then he said he was following me, and dammit if he's following me, then we're going back to that little bridge to make out. technically you could've seen him fondling under my skirt if you happened to be walking down lamar at the time(although you'd have to be looking), but luckily no one did, and i orgasmed and then contemplated going down on him there, but decided against it, just to make sure we wouldnt get caught. so we walked back up the giant hill over conversation and found ourselves home, him pulling up my dress before we even got in the door. more amazing sex. and holding each other tight, and falling asleep. but i didnt sleep right away so i laid and listened as he would twitch every now and again, and i hoped he was sleeping well. i fell asleep, slept of more hallways, and we woke up sunday, fucked again, after i had so underhandedly gave him a massage (that i had intended to give him at an earlier point) in order to give me an excuse to jump his bones again. he told me he owed me for the massage, i told him it was repayment, and we both laughed. life is good when life is reciprocal. i think its my new favorite way of being with someone. when its reciprocal you know its good. and rare. which both of us are grateful for.

Sounds like You had an Amazing weekend my dear lady.