the emotion of RAGE: an introsepctive study: i hate your fucking breath. the fact that you have no concern out of your own existence makes you more despicable than the liars that tell me how lovely they'll be to me. i hate your fucking prissy conceited full of shit attitude that you're so much better than me. yea fucking right. do you feel better now? yea i didnt think so. i hate you for succeeding when all i want to do is fail. i hate you mother for everything. you made this black hole in my heart. i hate every one that touched another human being making them to feel more like object than man. i hate you for wanting money more than you want justice. yea i hate you too george bush. always have. always will. i hate that my body says sleep, but i dont want to give it what it wants. i dont want to give anything. i want to scream. i want to say, i'm bending over backwards. you're such a cocksucking mother fucking on of a bitch. anyone that wants to fuck you, wants to fuck you over. my god. does anyone else want to scream. this isnt anger. this is rage. i dont want to be fucked. i want to be ravished. hard. brutal. hot. come on. hate with me. you know you want to. that's right baby. oh but you think you're getting somewhere. you're not. but it sure feels like it doesnt it. all i can say is. funnel it. grab at something. draw paint rip cook run run run photograph..draw on yourself. write a new song. write a better song. revolt. tell your neighbor, your boss, your lover, your friend. its not fucking good enough. that's why you're angry anyway isn't it? grab the proverbial gun in your hand and tell hate it has a fucking purpose. that 'll get you somewhere tommorow. dont say you hate corporate america. STOP SHOPPING THERE. don't say you want more. take more. take it at every chance you get. take it all, and then ask for some more, and then give it all back, and then ask for it again. take everything you have and destroy it. so then you have to build it better to give away the next time. if you hate yourself enough will you start to believe in yourself? destroy the glass wall ceiling floor and windows that you've built. cut yourself. let yourself bleed. and make it hurt. make it hurt so bad that you know what pain feels like. and then but a bandage on, look the world straight in the eye, and say i'm ready for whatever you have to give me.

thanks for the bday wishes.