oh yea, i guess its my birthday isn't it
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and you thought it could never happen
Major corporations are intending to take control of the internet as we speak so that there would no longer be network neutrality, as well as other campaigns to be charging for email. you thought it could never happen, and here it is. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION TO STOP THIS. THIS IS GRAVE. a time in history that must be challenged and brought to justice by everyday people, not the whoremonging souless corporations that already rob our bellies, destroy other peoples lives, and are only looking out for themselves. Here was my petition. Go write your own. make them know you fucking care. i sure as fuck do.
As a voting legal citizen of the United States, I plead with you, Congress, along with the 250,000 going on 1,000,000 people that WILL petition to stop this. It seems as if our officials no longer represent the people of the United States. They soley represent the corporations of the United States. Giving more money and control to corporations that already have too much, and have no concious of the future of America, will only worsen the conditions that are already present. Keeping the internet as a true freedom of speech, will allow BETTER SOLUTIONS to come about, that will not only keep you the government in check (which i know is the government's worst fear) but will allow the better ideas, better plans, to be allowed to exist. However much $$money$$ they have, isn't as important as preserving the most important freedom we have. Are you willing to sell this too??? Keeping free speech has enabled Massive work done for charity, for the hurricane survivors, for development of small business and jobs, for the organization of people coming together for a common good. Is that not what a government serving the people should be doing? Killing the Network Neutrality that exists today, jepordizes all that. Please don't make the gravest mistake of the future of our American home and violate the one freedom that this country was founded on. Freedom of speech through fair and equal airways, must be preserved at all costs.and you thought it could never happen

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and you thought it could never happen
Major corporations are intending to take control of the internet as we speak so that there would no longer be network neutrality, as well as other campaigns to be charging for email. you thought it could never happen, and here it is. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION TO STOP THIS. THIS IS GRAVE. a time in history that must be challenged and brought to justice by everyday people, not the whoremonging souless corporations that already rob our bellies, destroy other peoples lives, and are only looking out for themselves. Here was my petition. Go write your own. make them know you fucking care. i sure as fuck do.
As a voting legal citizen of the United States, I plead with you, Congress, along with the 250,000 going on 1,000,000 people that WILL petition to stop this. It seems as if our officials no longer represent the people of the United States. They soley represent the corporations of the United States. Giving more money and control to corporations that already have too much, and have no concious of the future of America, will only worsen the conditions that are already present. Keeping the internet as a true freedom of speech, will allow BETTER SOLUTIONS to come about, that will not only keep you the government in check (which i know is the government's worst fear) but will allow the better ideas, better plans, to be allowed to exist. However much $$money$$ they have, isn't as important as preserving the most important freedom we have. Are you willing to sell this too??? Keeping free speech has enabled Massive work done for charity, for the hurricane survivors, for development of small business and jobs, for the organization of people coming together for a common good. Is that not what a government serving the people should be doing? Killing the Network Neutrality that exists today, jepordizes all that. Please don't make the gravest mistake of the future of our American home and violate the one freedom that this country was founded on. Freedom of speech through fair and equal airways, must be preserved at all costs.and you thought it could never happen

happy birthday.

happy birthday